SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL *THE BLESSINGS OF THE ELEVENTH HOUR* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 06 November 2024* SCRIPTURE: And about the Eleventh Hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? - *Matthew 20:6 KJV* *There are Peculiarities of the Eleventh Hour as taught in the above Parable of our Lord Jesus Christ.* *Some of these include:* *(1)* Idleness is not allowed at the Eleventh Hour. Everyone standing idle is engaged at the Eleventh Hour - *Matthew 20:6* *(2)* Those who are engaged at the Eleventh Hour are Uncommonly Renumerated. They receive Unusual Kindness. They received the same Renumeration as others - *Matthew 20:8-9* *(3)* Those engaged at the Eleventh Hour are Renumerated before others - *Matthew 20:8* Those who laugh last laugh best. *(4)* Those engaged at the Eleventh Hour are envied by others. Those engaged before the Eleventh Hour murmured when those engage