

 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *WARNING PRECEEDS HIS CHASTISEMENT*  *By Pastor E O Gabriel  17 January 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, Because you disdained all my Counsel, And would have none of my rebuke, I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes - *Proverbs 1:24‭-‬26*  God is Merciful and Gracious, slow to anger, not willing that any should Perish but that all should come to repentance. *Consequently, before His door of Mercy closes, He will warn severally.* Samson was warned severally against his immorality but despised all warnings.  Delilah asked him in Plain terms the source of his Strength, and what could be done to bind and afflict him - *Judges 16:6* He did not need a teacher to tell hi...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *BEYOND OUR CRY FOR MERCY*  *By Pastor E O Gabriel  16 January 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus - *Mark 10:50* We can see from the Scriptures, that those who cried for Mercy in the Bible, were able to get the attention of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The ten men that were lepers cried for Mercy, though they did not come close to Him because of their leprosy, they got His attention.  He spoke to them and they were all cleansed - *Luke 17:11-14* Two blind men followed Jesus crying for Mercy, they got His attention, He touched their eyes and they received their sight - *Matthew 9:27-30* Blind Bartimeus who was a beggar, cried for Mercy and Jesus stood still for him - *Mark 10:46-49* *Therefore, our cry for Mercy will command Divine A...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *YOUR PLACE OF PURPOSE IS YOUR PLACE OF PARTNERSHIP*    *By Pastor E O Gabriel  15 January 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: And Elijah said, As the Lord of Hosts liveth, before whom I Stand, I will surely shew myself unto him today - *1 Kings 18:15* *Every man is born for a Purpose, but unfortunately, not everyone will discover his or her Purpose in life.* *Everyone who discovers his Purpose and remains in it, will enjoy Divine Partnership.* Elijah confidently declared, '... As the Lord lives before whom I stand.'  He was saying since I am in my Place of Purpose as a Prophet in Israel, I have the backing of the Lord for whatever I say or do. Elijah was in his Place of Purpose, therefore God confirmed his words by shutting the windows of Heaven for three and a half years - *James 5:1...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *KEY TO POSSESSING POSSESSIONS: RELIGIOUS AWAKENING*  *By Pastor E O Gabriel  14 January 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: “But on Mount Zion there shall be Deliverance, And there shall be Holiness; The house of Jacob shall Possess their Possessions - *Obadiah 1:17* One of the several lessons learnt in the story of the harlot whose living child was exchanged for the dead, is that a man needs to be Spiritually Awake to come to the consciousness of his losses.  The evil Exchange took Place while the harlot was asleep. She discovered her loss, when she woke up. *1 Kings 3:16-28* *Religious Awakening is the first step towards Possessing one's Possessions.*  *Anyone who is Spiritually asleep is unaware of the blessings stolen from him and cannot take any steps towards recovery.* Sleeping ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                               *PREVENTING SUNSET* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  13 January 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: So he came to a certain Place and stayed there all night, because the Sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that Place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that Place to sleep -*Genesis  28:11* *It is a terrible thing for a man to experience Sunset in the midst of his days.* *Several unpleasant things attend the way of a man who's Sun sets.* An example can be seen in Jacob, a child of Covenant whose father, Isaac, was Great. He experienced several Painful experiences: *(1)* He tarried all night. *This speaks of Stagnancy.* *Progress ceases in the life of a man whose Sun has set.*  Irrespective of his labour, there will be no New Blessing.  He begins to live on his Past...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                            *PRESERVING YOUR INHERITANCE*  *By Pastor E O Gabriel  12 January 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: One of the teachings captured in the story of the two harlots who came before king Solomon, is the secret of Preserving our Inheritance - *1 Kings 3:16-28* King Solomon through the Wisdom of God was able to restore the living child to the rightful mother. Similarly, through our Lord Jesus Christ, our Inheritance taken from us when Adam fell, has been restored. What the harlot needs to do, to Preserve her living child is what we need to do to Preserve our Inheritance. *Let us take a look at what she needs to do:* *(1)* Abide with the king. The king had helped her before and if she abides with the King, when a need arises again, the King will help. Jesus said I am the Vine and ye are the branches...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                            *UNRECOGNISED RESOURCES THE BANE OF LACK* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  11 January 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: I will give you the Treasures of darkness And hidden Riches of Secret Places, That you may know that I, the Lord , Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel - *Isaiah 45:3* *God is the Source of Good and Perfect Gifts and He has given unto us all things Pertaining to Life and Godliness.* Unfortunately, we experience lack because of unrecognised resources around us.  The Lord has Promised to give us Treasures of darkness and hidden Riches of Secret Places.  This tells us that around us are Treasures and Riches that are hidden, which we need to discover.  The Bible says it is the Glory of God to conceal a thing and the honour of kings to search out a matter - *Proverbs ...