To synergize is to interact or collaborate with one or more other agents to produce a joint effect greater than the sum of individual effects.


Simply put, synergy means "two heads are better than one."

Synergizing is the practice of collaborating creatively. It is teamwork, open-mindedness, and the thrill of discovering fresh answers to old problems.


But it does not happen by itself. It's a process in which people bring all of their personal experience and skills to the table.

People frequently linger on a subject not because they are not making an attempt but because their personal input alone may not be sufficient.


At times, it's all because they want to take sole credit for the task. To them, it's all about me, not us. As a result, individuals are stuck and deny help that is right at their fingertips.


Others refused to synergize, mostly because they wanted to keep all of the benefits for themselves. 

The issue with others is that they are resistant to change. As it was in the beginning, so it will be now and forevermore. Change is too difficult for them. Nonetheless, they seek solutions to long-standing problems.


Others appear unable to deal with differences between themselves and others. Differentiation is what drives synergy.


Many people confuse uniformity with unity and sameness with oneness. Boring, in a word!


Differences should be viewed as assets rather than liabilities. Do you actually value people's mental, emotional, and psychological differences? 

Or do you wish that everyone would just agree with you so that everyone could get along?


They liven things up. Victories are cheap when we collaborate because you can draw on the strength, knowledge, expertise, and resources of others while simultaneously bringing your own. What you lack, others have in abundance.


Do you also know that during the creation of the earth, the almighty God himself synergized? As a result, the phrase "let us make man in our own image..." appears.


Do you actually value people's mental, emotional, and psychological differences? 

Or do you wish that everyone would just agree with you so that everyone could get along?


Many people confuse uniformity with unity and sameness with oneness. Boring, in a word!

Differences should be viewed as assets rather than liabilities.


They liven things up. Victories are cheap when we collaborate, because you may draw on the strength, knowledge, expertise, and resources of others while simultaneously bringing your own. What you lack, others have in abundance.


Do you also know that when the earth was created, the almighty God himself synergized? As a result, the phrase "let us make man in our own image..." appears.


Do you desire cheap wins?




I am pastorEOGabriel.

A very blessed morning.






*N:B*. *Always share*.


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