*By Pastor E O Gabriel 30 September 2023*
SCRIPTURE: So the water remains healed to this day, according to the word of Elisha which he spoke - *2 Kings 2:22*
Jericho was cursed by Joshua and about 600 Years later, Elisha reversed the curse - *Joshua 6:26, 2 Kings 2:19-22*
*Every curse is reversible irrespective of who Pronounced the curse or how long it has been Pronounced.*
The Bible says, every Plant my Heavenly Father hath not Planted shall be rooted up - *Matthew 15:13*
The Bible also says Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law - *Galatians 3:13*
*What is a curse?*
*(1)* A curse is the opposite of a Blessing - *Deuteronomy 23:5*
*(2)* A curse is a summon to forces in Heaven and on Earth to work against a man - *Deuteronomy 28:15,23*
*Who can curse?*
*(1)* God can curse - *Genesis 4:11*
*(2)* Servant of God can curse - *2 Kings 2:24*
*(3)* Parents can curse their children - *Genesis 49:3-4, 1 Chronicles 4 :8-9*
*(4)* Husbands can curse their wives.
Jacob cursed Rachel unknowingly - *Genesis 31:32*
*(5)* Masters can curse their Servants.
Laban said to Jacob, it is in my Power to hurt you - *Genesis 31:29*
*Let me say that causeless curses will not come to Pass* - *Proverbs 26:2*
Balaam tried to curse the children of Israel but God told him you cannot curse them because they are Blessed - *Numbers 22:12*
*What are the manifestions of curses?*
*(1)* Externally attractive but internally dead.
The situation of this City is Pleasant but the water is naught - *2 Kings 2:19*
*(2)* Continuous Evil Patterns - *Genesis 11:30, Genesis 25:21, Genesis 29:31*
*(3)* Fruitlessness. Hardwork with Unjustifiable Hardship - *Luke 5:5*
*(4)* Strange and incurable Sicknesses - *2 Kings 5:27*
*(5)* Gradual decline from Fullness to Emptiness - *Ruth 1:21*
*(6)* Untimely Death - *1 Samuel 2:31*
*(7)* Closed Doors where others enjoy Open Doors.
*(8)* Helplessness - *John 5:7*
*(8)* Servitude - *Joshua 9:23*
*Reversing Curses requires:*
*(1) )* Help from above.
The men of Jericho cried for help.
*(2)* Visitation of one's Foundation with the Word - *2 Kings 2:21, John 1:1-4*
*Curses are overthrown in our families in Jesus Name - Amen.*
Father, Please by fire visit my Foundation and overthrow every curses.
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