My son once wanted his dad to do something for him, but rather than approaching him directly, he requested that I inform Dad on his behalf.
I'm not sure why he had to go through me because there is no veil covering the holiest of holies in my family government.So I asked, "Why aren't you approaching him directly?" Why should I be the one to approach Dad on your behalf? Go speak with him about it. It's funny how the issue appears to be too minor to necessitate the use of external force.
His response was amazing.My very dramatic son made me laugh so hard.
Please, Mom, because Dad will not respond unless you approve. How did you get to that conclusion?
Mom, we all live in this house, and he'd still tell you about it. If you two talk about it and don't agree on it, it's as good as dead on arrival. Invariably, he's luring me over to his side before Dad arrives.
Despite the fact that I burst out laughing, it made me ponder. How does he come to the conclusion that we are a team and would speak with one voice?  - my friends wife says
The truth is that your children are observing and are aware of your family dynamics. They will pit you against each other if you do not present a united front. You know what I mean: a family divided against itself cannot survive.
You and your partner must always be on the same page.

         *NO TO REVENGE.*


I read a book when I was much younger in which the author described how one of her children hit the other in retaliation for what had previously been done to him.
When his mother told him that he should not repay evil with evil but rather trust Jesus to defend him, his reaction made me laugh out loud.
The young guy just assured his mother that he had not effected vengeance; he had only given the brother a taste of what had been done to him so that Jesus could accomplish the rest for him. I had a nice laugh.
Revenge is the act of inflicting pain or harm on someone in retaliation for an injury or injustice done to them.
Siblings' interactions with one another can be quite amusing at times. He hit me first, so I hit him as well. He took my stuff, and I returned the favor.
As parents, we must not allow our children to cause harm to one another. When children are not appropriately trained to manage offenses, they end up injuring one another.
As parents, we should put in place a structure that promotes love and forgiveness. Let them know that while offenses are unavoidable in human relationships, forgiveness is the lubricant that keeps us moving.
Everything is learnable. Conflict is unavoidable, so long as you're in human territory. As a result, conflict resolution skills must be taught.
In addition, model nonviolent, peaceful dispute resolution for your children.



Desperation is a sense of despair that often leads to impulsive or extreme behavior.
Another phrase for it is hopelessness.
People can't look past their problems at this stage, and it's impossible to believe there's any light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing makes any sense or has any meaning for them anymore. They have the ability to do and undo things to their own detriment.
A lot of the time, we see people doing things and wonder how they got to this position. The choice appears hasty and severe. Sometimes we don't understand why someone would do anything like that, considering their track record of behavior. Consider Elijah the prophet, after everything that God has done through him in the land of Israel.
He fled when Jezebel threatened him with death and demanded that his life be taken because he was not better than his father's. He wishes to put a stop to it all.
Have you read anything about Job? He also cursed the day of his birth. Why? Despair and hopelessness are byproducts of desperation.
This sadness makes it difficult for them to think clearly and rationally about events in their lives. As a result, impulsive and extreme decisions or behaviors are made.
In his desperation, Saul offers the sacrifice that the priest is supposed to offer. He needed to finish it so he could fight. Desperation breeds fear and anxiety, which exacerbates irrational decisions.
At one time, the lady who offered up her child to be slain for a meal did so too, out of desperation.
She couldn't find any answers that seemed to be the best and only alternative.
When people reach this point, they try everything to get out; they fight for their lives, but frequently in the wrong way or with the wrong tool.
This is why many businesses have failed, people have been tricked, people have been killed, and people have gotten into even more problems, all in an attempt to get themselves out of the dark tunnel in which they find themselves.
This morning, I've come to tell you that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. All you have to do is wait and be still, and you will see God come through for you.
Moses told the Israelites, "Be still and see the salvation of the Lord; the Egyptians you see today, you will see them no more.
God is coming for you, but you must be still in order to see him at work.
Be still
*N.B* Our students outreach against drug abuse in secondary schools has started.

I am pastor E O Gabriel
A very blessed evening
*N:B*. *Always share.*


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