*By Pastor E O Gabriel 18 November 2023*
SCRIPTURE: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen - *Matthew 28:20*
After the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Last Command was, 'Go ye into all the world and Preach the Gospel,' with the assurance of His Presence.
He said, I am with you always.
*What does it mean?*
*(1)* It means when you look round and can't see anyone, He is saying I am with you - *John 5:7, Hebrews 13:5*
Men whom you have helped may have deserted you, He is saying I am with you - *Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:10*
*(2)* When your friends suddenly become your enemies, He is saying I am with you to turn their Counsel into foolishness - *2 Samuel 15:31*
*(3)* When your spouse wishes you dead, He is saying I am with you to Preserve you.
Job's wife said to him Curse God and die - *Job 2:9, Psalms 140:1*
*(4)* When you face the Storms of Life, I am with you to Still your Storms - *Mark 4:35-41*
Because I am the Prince of Peace - *Isaiah 9:6*
*(5)* When you face battles that you can't see and you can't explain, I am with you as a man of war to make your battles to cease - *Exodus 15:3, Psalms 46:9*
*(6)* When you come face to face with death, I am with you to turn death to Life *Psalms 23:4*
*(7)* When you are weak and discouraged, I am with you to Strengthen and encourage you - *2 Samuel 3:1, 2 Samuel 3:39, 1 Kings 19:1-4*
*(8)* When you are in a fiery furnace, I am with you as the fourth man to enable you walk through unhurt - *Daniel 3:25*
*(9)* When you are sick and sick unto death, I am with you to turn your Sickness unto Health because I am the Lord that heals - *Exodus 15:26*
*(10)* When you finish your Assignment on Earth, I am with you to take you to your Eternal home and crown you - *John 14:3 ; 2 Timothy 4:7-8*
*What happens when the Lord is with you?*
*(1)* Heaven over you is opened.
*(2)* You will enjoy Angelic Assistance.
God will give Charge to His Angels to keep you in all your ways.
Father, Please don't leave me alone.
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