*By pastor E O Gabriel  22 August 2024:Share*

SCRIPTURE: The love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. *1 Timothy 6:10*

•We live in a generation that is under the grip of the love of money. It is a generation that is wallowing in the grip of mammon. 

•Now, it is very important to know that apart from the trap of immorality, another dangerous enemy trap in life is the trap of the love of money. It is in money matters that satan traps the lives of people and leads them to the horrors of eternal hellfire.

•It is also important to note that one of the things in this world that struggles for worship, the same way that God should be worshipped, is money. Money struggles to be served the way God should be served (Luke 16:13).

•Money is a force that seeks to control lives and destinies. Please, understand that the love of money is connected to evil. 

•For example: a person who was not used to telling lies before can suddenly become a liar because of money. Some people can do anything for the sake of money – they can even go to the extent of killing others or doing all manner of things because of money. 

1 Timothy 6:10 says, 

•The love of money is the root of all evil which while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 

*Please understand that we can serve God with money but we cannot serve God and money. We can use our money to worship God but we cannot worship God and money at the same time.* 

•My counsel is, refuse to allow money change your behaviour. Determine to develop mastery over money and don’t be mastered by money.

*KEY REMINDER: We can serve God with money but we cannot serve God and money.*

•TAKE NOTE OF THIS: If those who manufacture cigarette, alcohol and produce pornographic materials, have enough money to publicize their products, how much more the Gospel! 

1. Make up your mind to control money instead of being controlled by money. Avoid the worship of money.

2. Make God, not money, the Master of your life and destiny.

3. Don’t allow money change your behaviour.

REFLECT ON THIS: What is your relationship with money? How much control does money have over your life? What can you do because of money? It affects your spirituality and eternity.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask that You deliver me from the love and grip of mammon. I receive the grace to master money, Lord, in Jesus Christ Name.


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