
Showing posts from November, 2024


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *NAME CHANGE THROUGH FIRE*  *By Pastor E O Gabriel  30 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god - *Acts 28:6* *Every encounter with the Fire of God will bring about a name Change.* The Bible says, thou shall be called by a New Name which the mouth of the Lord shall name - *Isaiah 62:2* Moses ran away from Egypt to Midian because he was called a Murderer.  While he was keeping the flock of Jethro his father in law, he encountered the Fire of the Lord. He saw the bush burning but was not consumed.  As he turned to look, he heard a voice Change his name from Murderer to Deliverer - *Exo...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *EVIL THRIVES WHERE THERE IS NO FIRE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  29 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Therefore understand today that the Lord your God is He who goes over before you as a Consuming Fire. He will destroy them and bring them down before you; so you shall drive them out and destroy them quickly, as the Lord has said to you - *Deuteronomy 9:3* The Bible says the fire upon the Altar shall keep burning and it shall not be put out - *Leviticus 6:12* *One of the reasons the fire shall not be put out is because evil thrives where there is no fire.* When fire was ignited in Island called Melita, the viper which had been hiding amongst the sticks was exposed and burnt by the fire - *Acts 28:1-4* *Wherever the fire of the Holy Spirit is absent, evil manifestations become very rampant.* T...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *THE HEAVEN OVER YOU IS OPENED* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  28 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And said, Behold, I see the Heavens opened, and the Son of man Standing on the Right Hand of God - *Acts 7:56* Heaven is the dwelling Place of God - *Psalms 115:3* Heaven has Doors and Windows - *Psalms 78:23, Genesis 7:11* Therefore, Heaven can either be shut or open. In our Anchor Text, Stephen was being stoned to death but his eyes were opened and he saw the Heavens opened. This is because the Heaven over a True Child of God is opened. *There are a number of Scriptural evidence to confirm that the Heaven over a True Child of God is opened.* *Let us consider some of them:* *A true Child of God is:* *(1)* In Christ Jesus - *2 Corinthians 5:17* *(2)* Christ is in him or her -  *Colossians 1:27...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                             *PHILIP, THE EVANGELIST: A MAN FULL OF WISDOM* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  27 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Wherefore, Brethren, look ye out among you seven Men of Honest Report, full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business - *Acts 6:3 KJV* Philip, the Evangelist, was a Man of Honest Report, full of Holy Ghost and Wisdom.  He had a Strong family, which was beautiful and attractive to outsiders.  *Therefore, Wisdom  plays a key role in building a Strong family.*  The Bible says Wisdom is the Principal Thing - *Proverbs 4:7* Through Wisdom, a house is built, and through Understanding, it is established. And by Knowledge shall the Chambers be filled with all Precious and Pleasant Riches - *Proverbs 24:3-4* *Knowledge is Information.*...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                    *FIRE AND VIPER* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  26 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god - *Acts 28:6* The scene that took Place at Melita Island while Paul the Apostle was gathering sticks to keep the fire burning, reveals to us that no matter how venomous a beast may be a burning fire will incapacitate it. A venomous viper hanged on the hand of Paul, but they were amazed to see that no harm befell him. *This shows that fire is the antidote to a viper.* *Fire will reveal its activities, neutralise it's Poison and burn it.* *As long as your fire is burning, you can't b...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *PHILIP, THE EVANGELIST: A MAN FULL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  25 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Wherefore, Brethren, look ye out among you seven Men of Honest Report, full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business - *Acts 6:3 KJV* Philip, the Evangelist, was a Man of Honest Report.   Another Quality that helped him to build a strong family was the fullness of the Holy Spirit in his Life. The Holy Spirit helps in every way to build a strong family. *With the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the following among others is the result in families:* *(1)* We will be taught what we need to know to live Peacefully and Joyfully in families - *John 14:26; Psalm 119:99* *(2)* He will always keep us in Remembrance of Marriage vows and responsibilit...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *PHILIP THE EVANGELIST: A MAN OF HONEST REPORT* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  24 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Wherefore, Brethren, look ye out among you seven Men of Honest Report, full of the Holy Ghost and Wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business - *Acts 6:3 KJV* Philip, the Evangelist, was one of the seven Deacons chosen in the early Church to serve table so that the twelve Disciples would give themselves continually to Prayer and the Ministry of the Word - *Acts 6: 2-4* *One of the Qualifications of the seven was an Honest Report - Therefore, Philip was a man of Honest Report.* *This teaches us that Honesty is an indispensable Quality in building a Strong family.* *Honesty is a state of being Truthful, Transparent, and living without Pretence.* Honesty is important in building a Lasting...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *PHILIP, THE EVANGELIST: A GOOD FAMILY MAN* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  23 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And the next day we that were of Paul's Company departed, and came unto Cæsarea: and we entered into the house of Philip the Evangelist, which was one of the seven; and abode with him - *Acts 21:8 KJV* *Philip, the Evangelist, is a Man whose Life is a Model to Men of our Generation.* *He was a Good family Man whose family was so beautiful and attractive to Strangers.* Paul's Company came to Ceasarea and abode in the house of Philip, the Evangelist, many days - *Acts 21:8* Many families of Believers today are toxic and unattractive  to visitors. The family of Philip was a Church at home where Agabus, a Prophet of the Lord from Judaea, was inspired by the Holy Ghost to Prophesy conce...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                             *ABRAHAM'S LIFESTYLE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  22 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And he removed from thence unto a Mountain on the East of Beth-el, and Pitched his tent, having Beth-el on the West, and Hai on the East: and there he builded an Altar unto the LORD, and called upon the Name of the LORD - *Genesis 12:8* Abraham was a Great Man blessed with flocks, Herds, Silver, Gold, Menservants,  Maidservants, Camels and Asses - *Genesis 24:35* *Notwithstanding, there was a Lifestyle Peculiar to Abraham, which he Passed on to Isaac his son; the Lifestyle of dwelling in Tents and building an Altar.* Abraham dwelt in Tents and built Altars.  *Tents speak of Temporal Structures, while buildings are Permanent.* *An Altar is the Meeting Point between God and Man.*  *Altars...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                            *DISENABLE YOUR ADVERSARY* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  21 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and Ministered unto him - *Matthew 4:11* When your adversary the devil reminds you of your sinful and horrible past  agree with him. The bible says agree with your adversary quickly. *Matthew 5:25* But also remind him that Christ was wounded for your Transgressions and bruised for your iniquities - *Isaiah 53:5* Let him also know that now there is therefore no condemnation for them which are in Christ Jesus - *Romans 8:1* But if your adversary decides to show you a bleak Picture of your future, disenable him by disagreeing with him. Never agrees with your adversary concerning your Present and your Future. In the temptation of our Lord Jesus Chri...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  20 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will Strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my Righteousness - *Isaiah 41:10* *As a Believer, you are not helpless in the battles of Life.* Our Heavenly Father is a Very Present Help in trouble. He is always available to Help - *Psalms 46:1* He has Promised to Help and Faithful is He who has Promised - *Hebrews 10:38* In His Faithfulness, He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, to conquer on our behalf.  Jesus Christ stepped down from Eternity to time. He went down to the deepest Part of the Earth to wrestle with Principalities and Powers, and having spoiled them, He declared, 'it...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *WHEN GOD IS WITH YOU* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  19 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost - *Matthew 28:19* Following the discussion yesterday on the Covenant of His Presence, we need to discuss the blessings of His Presence and our Responsibilities. *It is essential for us to stress that God's Presence is the Best, and the Greatest asset of a Believer.* *Let us examine the Blessings of His Presence:* *(1)* When the Lord is with you, the Heaven over you is opened. When the Lord introduced Himself to Jacob and said to him, 'I am with you,' the Heaven over him was opened with the Angels descending and ascending. Jacob had a direct Connection with Heaven - *Genesis 28:17* *(2)* Wh...


  SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                        * COVENANT OF HIS PRESENCE * * By Pastor E O Gabriel  18 November 2024:Share * SCRIPTURE: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen - * Matthew 28:20 * After the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Last Command was, 'Go ye into all the world and Preach the Gospel,' with the assurance of His Presence. He said, I am with you always. * What does it mean? * * (1) * It means when you look round and can't see anyone, He is saying I am with you - * John 5:7, Hebrews 13:5 * Men whom you have helped may have deserted you, He is saying I am with you - * Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:10 * * (2) * When your friends suddenly become your enemies, He is saying I am with you to turn their Counsel into fool...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *FOCUS ON YOURSELF NOT ON OTHERS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  17 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Look not upon me, because I am black, Because the Sun hath looked upon me: My mother's children were angry with me; They made me the Keeper of the Vineyards; But mine own Vineyard have I not kept - *Songs of Solomon 1:6* *One of the Greatest errors a man can make is to focus on others and not himself.* During the Earthly Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, He never hid His disdain for the Pharisees because they focused on others while ignoring themselves. When a woman was caught in Adultery and was brought to Jesus, her accusers told Him Moses commanded us to stone to death anyone caught in Adultery. Jesus replied saying, anyone without a sin should cast the first stone. All her accusers left with...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *HE WILL EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS (Part 2)* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  16 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Now unto Him that is able to do Exceeding Abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us - *Ephesians 3:20* Our God has the Ability to exceed our Expectations, as discussed yesterday.  *It is therefore important for us to discuss what we can do to Provoke Him to exceed our Expectations.* Our Text above says that God is able to exceed our Expectations according to the Power that works in us. We received power through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost - *Acts 1:8* *This Power at work in us will Provoke God to exceed our Expectations.* *How then do we put the Power to work?* *(1)* Righteous Living activates the Power in us. Daniel Purposed in his hear...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *HE WILL EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  15 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Now unto Him that is able to do Exceeding Abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us - *Ephesians 3:20* God said ask and it shall be given unto you - *Matthew 7:7* *When God  answers He exceeds Expectations.* Hannah was barren and was being Provoked by the Second wife of her husband, but she cried to God in bitterness of Soul for a man child - *1 Samuel 1:11* The Bible says, the Lord visited Hannah and she conceived and bare three sons and two daughters - *1 Samuel 2:21* God exceeded Hannah's Expectations. *What happens when God exceeds our Expectations?* *(1)* He answers beyond our Requests. Solomon asked for Wisdom and God granted Him Wisdom and a...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *SEEK FOR ANOTHER REPORT* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  14 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my People, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy Prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LORD. And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this City out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this City for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake - *2 Kings 20:5‭-‬6* Hezekiah the King was sick unto death. The Report came that he should set his house in order for he would die. He then turned to the wall and sought for another Report - *2 Kings 20:1-2* *There are usually two Reports; one for the sinner while the other o...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *KEEP GROWING* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  13 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: The Righteous shall flourish like the Palm tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon - *Psalms 92:12* *Growth is one of the Characteristics of any Living Organism. Any Organism that is not growing is dead.* The above text says the Righteous shall flourish like a Palm tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  *Every Believer is expected to grow.* Every Character who made  Positive Impact in Bible days grew. Jesus our Perfect example during His Earthly Ministry grew - *Luke 1:80, Luke 2:40* Samuel the Greatest Prophet  that ever lived in Israel grew - *1 Samuel 2:21, 1 Samuel 2:26, 1 Samuel 3:19* David the Giant Killer and a man after God's heart  achieved Great feat through Growth - *2 Samu...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                             *CONNECT TO COLLECT AND CONNECT* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  12 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And he lighted upon a certain Place, and tarried there all Night, because the Sun was set; and he took of the stones of that Place, and put them for his Pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.  12 And he dreamed, and behold a Ladder set up on the Earth, and the Top of it reached to Heaven: and behold the Angels of God ascending and descending on it. *Genesis 28: 11-12 KJV* The Life of Jacob satisfied the above Equation.  He connected to his father, Isaac, with a delicious Meal and collected the Blessing from his father, and he got connected to Heaven.  He lighted in a Place because the Sun was Set and slept. While he was Sleeping, he dreamt and saw the Heaven opened and...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *TURNING UNTO THE LORD* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  11 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Then turned his face to the wall, and Prayed unto the LORD, saying - *2 Kings 20:2* *One of the Major turns a man can make in Life is to the Lord.* *Hezekiah the king turned to the Lord.* *What does it mean to turn unto the Lord?* *(1)* Turning away from our Wicked ways - *2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 55:7* *(2)* Turning away from men. Isaiah the Prophet said in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a Throne, high and lifted up - *Isaiah 6:1* *(3)* Turning away from Possessions unto Promises. *Promises are Eternal while Possessions are Temporal.* God spoke to Abram when Lot was separated from him, lift up your eyes from whence thou art - *Genesis 13:14* *(4)* Turning away from the S...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                     *PRAY ALWAYS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  10 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And he spake a Parable unto them to this end, that Men ought always to Pray, and not to faint - *Luke 18:1 KJV* In a Christian walk with God, Praying always is important for Triumphant Living.  Therefore, the Scriptures encourage us to Pray without Ceasing.  When the devil departs from a Man, he departs for a Season. He does not depart forever because he never gives up on any Man who is still alive - *Luke 4:13* Praying always will draw Sufficient Strength from God to put him behind us - *Luke 4:13; Matthew 16:23* Praying always will bring an end to sin in our lives.   *There is no one who is Prayerful and, at the same time, sinful.* *Praying always will Strengt...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *DESTINED TO BE GREATER THAN FATHER'S* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  09 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me. Gen.37.10 - And he told it to his father, and to his brethren: and his father rebuked him, and said unto him, What is this dream that thou hast dreamed? Shall I and thy mother and thy brethren indeed come to bow down ourselves to thee to the earth? *Genesis 37:9* It is in the Destiny of everyone in Christ to be Greater than his fathers. Fathers include Biological, Spiritual and whoever has gone before - *Genesis 37:9* Isaac was Greater than Abraham - *Genesis 24:35; Genesis 26:13* Jacob was Greater than Isaac - *Gene...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                    *LIVE TO LEARN* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  08 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am Meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your Souls - *Matthew 11:29 KJV* *Many live to earn a Living, but Wisdom demands that we should live to learn.*  The Bible says, a Wise Man will hear and he will increase in learning - *Proverbs 1:5* *Learning is the Acquisition of Knowledge or Skills through Experience, Study, or by being taught.* The Bible says to teach a Just Man, and he will increase in Learning - *Proverbs 9:9* Learning facilitates Growth and rising in Life. The four Hebrew boys: Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego rose to Prominence in Babylon, a Strange Land by being Skilful in Learning - *Daniel 1:17* ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *WHY PERSECUTE THOU ME?* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  07 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And he fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why Persecutest thou me? - *Acts 9:4* Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus, the Lord questioned him Saul, Saul why Persecute thou me? And he said who are thou, Lord?  God is Spirit - *John 4:23* *How Possible is it to Persecute the God who is Spirit and not seen?* *It is so easy to Persecute God Unknowingly.*  *The Lord is Persecuted in the following ways amongst others:* *(1)* By resisting the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - *Acts 4:17-18* *(2)* Spreading Doctrines contrary to the Word - *John 1:1* *(3)* Persecuting His Anointed. *(4)* Stretching one's hand against His Children - *Matthew 25:45, Acts 12:1-2* *(...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *THE BLESSINGS OF THE ELEVENTH HOUR* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  06 November 2024* SCRIPTURE: And about the Eleventh Hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? - *Matthew 20:6 KJV* *There are Peculiarities of the Eleventh Hour as taught in the above Parable of our Lord Jesus Christ.* *Some of these include:* *(1)* Idleness is not allowed at the Eleventh Hour.  Everyone standing idle is engaged at the Eleventh Hour - *Matthew 20:6* *(2)* Those who are engaged at the Eleventh Hour are Uncommonly Renumerated.  They receive Unusual Kindness. They received the same Renumeration as others - *Matthew 20:8-9* *(3)* Those engaged at the Eleventh Hour are Renumerated before others - *Matthew 20:8* Those who laugh last laugh best. *(4)...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                         *ETERNAL SEPARATION FROM GOD* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  05 November 2024:Share* And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried - *Luke 16:22* The Psalmist said I shall not die but live - *Psalms 118:17* This has several meanings, one of which is: I will not be Eternally separated from God.  *Eternal separation from God is the Second Death.* In our Anchor Text above, the beggar who knew and feared God while alive died and was carried by Angels into Abraham's bosom. He went upwards towards God. On the other hand, the rich man who did not know God, died and was buried. His direction after death was downwards towards the bottomless pit. He was separated from God Eternally - *Revelation 20:3* The rich man was i...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *PRAYER PRODUCES LIGHT* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  04 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee Great and Mighty Things, which thou knowest not - *Jeremiah 33:3 KJV* *Light is important for our Triumph in Life because without Light, Life is stressful and burdensome.* A Man's Life can be Lightened through heartfelt Prayer.  In our Anchor Bible Text above, God Commanded us to Pray, and He will reveal Great and Mighty Things unknown to us. King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt and forgot the Dream. He sought for someone to tell him the Dream and the interpretation. All the Wise Men and Magicians of the Land could not help the King. But when Daniel went to God in Prayer, the Secret was revealed unto him - *Daniel 2:19* Ezra Proclaimed a Fast and Prayer for a ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                               *THREE MAJOR TURNS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  03 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice Glorified God - *Luke 17:15* We are daily loaded with benefits - *Psalms 68:19* The Mercy of God is daily renewed in our lives and it is of His Mercies we are not consumed - *Lamentation 3:23-24* Therefore, everyman is blessed by God daily. *With God's daily Blessings, there are at least three major turns we can make:* First, we may turn away from God.  The Blessings from God can move us away from Him.  For instance, the Prodigal son got his Inheritance from his father and moved away to a far country. He eventually lost his Inheritance on riotous Living - *Luke 15: 11-13* *Whenever Blessings move us away...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                  *LIVING IN ERROR* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  02 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the Power of God - *Matthew 22:29 KJV* A Life outside the Word is a Life in error.  Jesus answered and said: Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures.  The Bible says there is a way that seems right to man, but the end thereof is destruction.  The way seems right, that is, it looks right, but it is not right because it leads to destruction.  Jesus told Martha that Mary had chosen the Good Part, which shall not be taken away from her - *Luke 10:42* The Right Part or the Error free Path is the Path of the Scriptures.  The Bible says thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my Path ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *HE RULES IN THE KINGDOM OF MEN* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  01 November 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: That they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will - *Daniel 4:25 KJV* In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth - *Genesis 1:1* He sits in Heaven and rules the Earth from Heaven - *Isaiah 66:1* He is in the Heavens and rules the Earth as He Pleases - *Psalm 115:3* He rules in the Kingdom of Men. He brings one Low and lifts up another - *1 Samuel 2:7* He brought Saul low and lifted up David in his Place - *1 Samuel 16:1...