A friend of mine told me that if she has not been consistent with her devotion, her children will criticize her. They'll call her and ask why she hasn't been praying as much as she usually does.

In fact, one practically called her out while she was doing her chores once to ask what happened. 

Before she could react, the other remarked, "I think I overheard her praying two days ago, although she prayed quite a while ago."

She didn't find it funny that the children she assumed were sleeping while she prayed could tell if she prayed or not, so out of curiosity or perhaps to save face, she inquired why they didn't ask their father the same question.

She got the shock of her life when the younger child inquired if Dad ever prayed.

Dear Father, you are the head of our household, and we all look to you as our role model for providing guidance and direction for us. This includes spiritual leadership as our home's chief priest.

You will be amazed if you ask some men to pronounce the blessing over food. Some people are unable to say the Lord's Prayer appropriately. 

It's astonishing how many fathers want their children to be spiritual but fail to do so. Surprisingly, many fathers have subordinated the ministry of prayer to their wives.

This is one of the reasons why so many young guys nowadays are hunting for women who can pray to marry. Why? you inquired. That is the model that they see.

If you're wondering why so many young boys don't want to attend church, the reason is that Dad isn't always available to join the family during worship. He has a thousand and one reasons why he couldn't.

Spirituality has been indirectly associated with mummies. 

Then you wonder why your children would rather share deep things with their mother than with you.

This is the same challenge that gave birth to the problem in Judges 2:10 and even full gospel businessmen's fellowship. 

Demos Shakarian noticed that men bring their wives and children to church while they play away.

There is a void in man that only God can fill. The sooner you help your children find it, the better. God vouched for Abraham. Can he vouch for you?

Your prayerlessness only shows one thing. Spiritual bankruptcy.

*N.B* Thank you for your support in our previous school outreach. Let's do it together again this year.

I am Pastor E O Gabriel.

A very blessed noon.






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