A lot is going on right now in our world. The system of the world is chunking out a lot of funny things. Information that is disheartening.
Information that makes you wonder and question how sound your own judgment is.
In this time when the line between morality and immorality has become blurry, when standing for the truth and what is right is foolishness before the world.
In this time when evil triumphs over good. When men with moral principles are mocked and the immoral celebrated to the highest heaven.
At this time, when standing for what is right means losing your coat of many colors.
When lawlessness abounds and the love of many is waxing cold. Doing what they have to do to get what they want makes them stand out.
The good news is this. *Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more* . Yes, grace is available don't be discouraged.
This is my charge to you this morning: *Having done all things, STAND*
*Keep standing. Together, TOGETHER WE WIN*
I am pastor E O Gabriel.
Good morning.
*N:B*. *Always share*
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