*By Pastor E O Gabriel 18 June 2023*
Wherefore, my Beloved Brethren, let every Man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: - *James 1:19*
A Woman was caught in the act Adultery, and was brought to Jesus by the Pharisee and the Scribes.
They said to Him, the Law says she should be stoned and they asked what it was He would say?
The Bible says, this was a Temptation for they were looking for an occasion to accuse Him - *John 8:1-6*
Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger as though He did not hear them. They continued asking and He lifted up His head and said whoever among you who is without sin, should first cast a stone at her. He stooped down again and was wrote on the ground.
One after the other the Accusers of the Woman left, being convicted by their conscience.
The Devil has no New Strategies. He wanted to hear what Jesus would say that he might accuse Him - The same Strategy he employs today.
He understands by a man's words he can either be Justified or Condemned - *Matthew 12:37*
He is the Accuser of the Brethren, always watching out day and night for words with which to accuse the Believers - *Revelation 12 :10*
*We can overcome him, the same way Jesus overcame him. The devil couldn't pick a word with which to accuse Jesus.*
What did Jesus do?
When the Pharisee and the Scribes sought to accuse Him, He stooped down to write on the ground as though He did not hear them.
When they kept asking He lifted up His head and said whoever is without sin, should first cast a stone at her.
*This is great wisdom - He was swift to hear, but slow to speak, as admonished by our Anchor Text.*
Between the time He heard and the time He spoke, He had enough time to meditate on the Word. He knew it was written that all had sinned and come short of the Glory of God - *Romans 3:23*
*Jesus only applied the Word to the situation on ground. You cannot apply the Word and be condemned, you can only be Justified.*
*If we are swift to speak, we will not have enough time to apply the Word to every situation we face in life.*
Father, Please help me to bridle my tongue to Mediate on the Word before I speak.
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