We've all complained about how irresponsible youth are, but we've missed the fact that we're the ones encouraging it by establishing a system that encourages it. We foster an environment in which irresponsibility can thrive.
When we avert our focus away from their wrongdoing and do all they are supposed to do for them in the name of "I don't want my children to go through what I went through," We soften every blow that comes their way; making mistakes is a no-no for them.
Our housekeepers would have to do everything while they slept. At other times, they are just occupied with watching television, playing computer games, or surfing the internet. Yet our domestic workers are paid as they gain skills and competence right under our noses.
We attempt to shield children from every type of suffering, but we forget that life itself will cast shadows on them. We prevent them from honing their skills and using their executive functions. Despite this, we protested about recklessness.
They have already been deactivated, and their ability to take initiative has been eliminated before it has even begun. As a result, they face life as if they were a robot moved by an external force; otherwise, they would not operate.
Allow your children to deal with their difficulties as you observe and guide them. Allow them to try new things and give them permission to do what others are doing; it may not be comfortable, but it will not kill them. Rather, it will stretch them while also honing their skills.
Solving every problem and softening every blow is over-parenting, and it causes more harm than good.

                     PHILOSOPHY OF MEN


Have you ever heard the statement "the voice of man is the voice of God"? Everyone can make mistakes. Stop deceiving yourself. Everyone else is doing it.
These are some of the phrases you'll hear individuals say when they seek to put pressure on others to do something they shouldn't or aren't willing to do. Especially when they say it's against the principles they uphold.
On International Women's Day, a dear daughter of mine shared how someone approached her in her department, claiming he'd been watching her for a while. You appear to be a virgin, which you know is not good; it's like parking a brand new car in a spot for an extended period of time with no driving and no servicing; by the time you want to drive it, it will have developed a series of faults.
He ended up encouraging her to do this once in a while and to contact him if she couldn't find her way around.
At this point, she burst out laughing, leaving the guy embarrassed at how anything he said could have elicited such a reaction.
The philosophy of men is a key cause of our current problems. Everyone wants to do whatever they want without having to answer to anyone. Why stay chaste when you can use a condom and pills? Forgetting that the purpose of God's law is not to preserve him but to preserve ourselves
The media is the most effective vehicle for spreading this evil.
Nevertheless, we are yet to recognize that everything we see, hear, or read is a form of orientation. They are selling us an ideology, and everyone seems to believe it. Do you understand why?
Those events are stored in our subconscious, where they are replayed over and over until they begin to govern our behavior.
This propaganda is so powerful that if you are not entrenched and firm in your convictions, the voice of the people will drown you out. You'll be pressed into their mold. The Bible warns us not to let the world squeeze us into their mold.
Hello, parents. Who is in charge of your philosophy, God's word, or the world's system? The person in charge of your philosophy is also the one in charge of your life.
 *N.B* Our outreach against drug abuse in secondary schools starts  next term
I am Pastor E O Gabriel.
A very blessed morning.
*N:B*. *Always share*.



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