SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                  

            *KING OF GLORY*

*By Pastor E O Gabriel  25 August 2023*

SCRIPTURE: Lift up your heads, O ye gates; And be ye lift up, ye Everlasting doors; And the King of Glory shall come in - *Psalms 24:7*

Our God has several Names, and each of them is Significant and Pregnant with meanings.

For instance, He is known as Emmanuel, which means God with us - *Matthew 1:23* 

This is the Name you call when you feel forsaken by God and you desperately need His Presence. This is the Name  you also call when you want to Thank Him for His awesome Presence.

Similarly, our God is known as Prince of Peace - *Isaiah 9:6*

This is the Name you call when you are facing the Storms of Life. It is also the Name you call when you want to thank Him for bringing you through Storms. 

In our Anchor Text above, He is known as the King of Glory. 

To Understand the meaning, we need to understand the meaning of Glory. 

Glory is one of the  attributes of our God - *Exodus 15:11*

*Glory is not anything Beautiful, not all things which are beautiful are Glorious.* 

There are snakes that are beautiful but not Glorious. 

Glory is likened to a devouring fire. *Exodud 24:17*

*Glory, therefore is a Shining Beauty.*

*But Glory is better understood by looking at its opposite*

*1)* Shame is the opposite of Glory - *Proverbs 3:35*

Shame is what a Man faces when he cannot hide his face.

King Nebuchadnezzar was driven into the field to eat grass as an animal - *Daniel 4:33* 

This was shameful.

*(2)* Dishonour is the opposite of Glory.

The Bible says, Glory and Honour are in the Presence of God - *1 Chronicles 16:27*

Man is crowned with Glory and Honour - *Psalms 8:5*

Glory and Honour are two inseperable words.

*Therefore, when Glory departs, Honour departs and Dishonour is left.*

When Glory departed from King Saul, the women sang to dishonour him - *1 Samuel 16:14; 1 Samuel 18:7*

*(3)* Humiliation is the opposite of Glory. 

*Humiliation is a State of being reduced to Nothing, especially in Public.*

When Glory departed from Samson, he was arrested, his eyes Plucked out and he was asked to make Sport in the Presence of three thousand Men - *Judges 16:25-27*

*(4)* Failure is the opposite of Glory.

Icabod means the Glory is departed - *1 Samuel 4:21*

This happened when Israel failed in the battle against the Philistines and the Ark of the Lord was taken.

*(5)* Sorrow is the opposite of Glory. 

Icabod was born into the family of Eli when there was deep Sorrow.

*From the above therefore, King of Glory is the Name we call when we want God to roll away shame, dishonour, humiliation, failure and sorrow out of our lives.*


Father, You are the King of Glory, Please keep shame and sorrow far away from my family.


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