*STICK TO THE     WORD.*


Last year, a dear pastor's wife asked me to come talk to their teens and young people about same-sex issues.
After that session, she aggressively emphasized something I said dramatically, and it has stayed with me to this day. Right then, the word came alive for me. There is no other way to put it than that.
She added that when God is speaking to you through his word and you are dodging (she tilted her head away as if something were about to hit her head), it's like a bullet you don't want to hit you. You're implying that God doesn't know what he's saying or doing, or that the word isn't for you.
You're simply stating that God's standards should be adjusted to accommodate and satisfy you. He needs to change his bounds since you can't be constrained by the boundaries of his word.
God does not impose his will on individuals; rather, he respects the choices we make. However, there are consequences to every decision we make. God has set a limit and a standard that he expects us to meet. He will not lower his standards or expand his bounds to meet your excesses. He has purer eyes than to see evil. So be it, if you've chosen to live your life your way. It simply implies that you cannot bring your excesses or disorderly lifestyle into his domain.
A man's desire is to have his cake and eat it as well. It isn't attainable. Till we comprehend that free will is not self-will, God wants you to follow him voluntarily, not out of compulsion. As a sign that you honour and revere him.
You may argue that because I do not go to church, God will not hold me to his word. God's invisible qualities—his everlasting power and divine nature—have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being understood from what has been made, so that humans are without excuse. Romans 1:20 NIV
Because nature has revealed God's truth, you cannot cite ignorance as an excuse. Submit your mind to God's word.
*NB* Our students outreach against drug abuse in secondary school starts next month
What you have in your hand is enough in God's hand.
I am Pastor E O Gabriel.
A very blessed evening.
*N:B*. *Always share*.


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