*By Pastor E O Gabriel 25 September 2023*
SCRIPTURE: But He answered and said, “Every Plant which My Heavenly Father has not Planted will be uprooted - *Matthew 15:13*
Whenever God appears, whatever is not of Him disappears, never to reappear, because He is Sovereign. He is in control and will never lose control.
Our Bible Text says, every Plant God has not Planted shall be rooted up.
This happens whenever He appears.
When a Plant is rooted up, it will not only disappear but will not reappear again.
Whenever He appears in a City, whatever is not of Him in the City disappears and never reappears.
He appeared in Jericho and everything that was not of Him such as barrenness, sickness and untimely death disappeared and never reappeared again because the Bible says the waters were healed unto this day - *2 Kings 2:19-22*
He appeared to a man in Jericho named Bartimeus and everything that was not of Him in His Life disappeared never to reappear again - *Mark 10:46-52*
*Let us take a look at some of the things that disappeared:*
*(1)* Blindness.
Physical or Spiritual blindness is not of God, and whenever He appears it disappears never to reappear - *John 9:1-4, 2 Kings 6:15-17*
*(2)* Darkness.
Evil is associated with darkness, and it is not of God - *Psalms 74:20, Genesis 1:1-3*
*(3)* Stagnancy is not of God.
God hates Stagnancy - *Deuteronomy 1:6-7*
*(4)* He was wrongly located.
In *Mark 10:52,* we see a man sitting by the highway.
Highways are not meant for men to sit, but meant for Vehicular movements.
When Jesus appeared, the man was released from a wrong location and was Positioned in the Right location.
He followed Jesus in the Way - *Mark 10:52*
*(5)* Begging is not of God - *Psalms 37:25*
He was asking for money in the Street.
God lifts up the beggar out of dunghill - *1 Samuel 2:8*
*What are manners of his appearance?*
*(1)* He appears in Person - *Mark 10:46*
*(2)* He appears in Dreams - *1 Kings 3:5*
*(3)* He appears through the Angels - *Acts 12:5-11*
*(4)* He appears through His Word - *John 1:1*
*(5)* He appears through His Servants - *2 Kings 2:19-22*
*How to Provoke His appearance?*
*(1)* Holy Living - *Matthew 5:8*
*(2)* Prayer - *Mark 10:46-52*
*(3)* Faith - *Daniel 3:17-25, Hebrews 11:6*
*(4)* Through Violent Offering - *1 King 3:4*
*(5)* By being Hospitable - *Genesis 18:1-14*
*God will appear if we are ready to pay the Price.*
Father, Please appear to me and my family so that whatever is not of You will disappear never to reappear again.
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