As we all know, change is a constant in all spheres. It is progressive and not abrupt, yet people are occasionally taken off guard because they do not respond to it as it occurs. As a result, they became entangled in the web.
A frog is an animal that can react to quick changes but struggles to adjust to gradual changes. If you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out rapidly since the water is at its boiling point. It can't handle it.
However, if you place a frog in a pot of water and gradually heat it up, the frog will acclimate to the growing water temperature until the water reaches boiling point and he is unable to escape.
We must be sensitive to change as a people. The problem with many of us is that we are not flexible. It must always be like it was in the beginning, and it will always be that way.
Even God modifies his plans. Imagine Elijah standing alongside the Brook of Cherinth, proclaiming, "This river cannot dry up; it was God who brought me here; it cannot dry up." He would have died of starvation before his time. You know why: God has shifted his sustenance to the widow's dwelling.
Consider what might have happened if he had been rigid. Many people have lost clients because they refused to provide home services.

People are ordering vegetables online now, but you don't bother upgrading yourself; the people who would have bought from you, their children, have already sent a dispatch rider to come and deliver the same thing you offer just two buildings away.
As a result, your product is no longer required. This is not just a response to prayer; it is an answer to sensitivity and awareness. *"Watch and pray*" Jesus said, But all you've been doing is praying without watching.
You will save yourself a lot of stress by being able to adjust to progressive change.

The sooner you close one eye for prayer and open the other for watching, the better.

Respond immediately! Don't get trapped in the web.



Not long ago, as I was teaching on family study Guide with a couple. During our talk, the wife told me how her son came home from school to tell her that one of his classmates had impregnated another.

As if that wasn't enough, he went on to say that they went ahead and terminated the pregnancy. They are both in senior secondary school one. The parents were unaware, as the individual reporting also got wind of it from other students as they talked about it.
The fact that people who were supposed to teach them about sex have shrouded sex in darkness is the source of the issue these young people face. Make it appear mysterious.

Sex is not something to be ashamed of; even God was clear about sexuality in the sacred writings. Parents are not only silent about sex; they see it as a mysterious or shameful thing that must not be discussed.

Worse, we'd rather pretend to be saints than honestly answer our children's sex queries. The further we travel down this road, the more curious our children will become.
What do you think? Curiosity is the mother of exploration. Don't let your young ones wander about looking for accurate information.
Through knowledge, the righteous are rescued. Pro 11:19.
Please demystify.
N:B. Due to popular demand, I will be hosting *SEX-ED FOR PARENTS*. A class on how to have a sex conversation with your child
To join the class, send WhatsApp message to +254732038865 or
*Please note that it's a paid class.*
I am Pastor E O Gabriel .
A very blessed evening.
*N:B*. *Always share*.


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