Peer pressure is real; we have all experienced it at one time or another. It comes in different shades.

It is not peculiar to a particular age group. Young and old are not exempted from it.
A colleague of mine shared how she woke up one night and noticed her teenage daughter pretending to be fast asleep.

Looking around, she noticed she had been using her phone. She checked through the browsing history to find her searching for  *what is sex?* 
She had to wake her up, letting her know she had seen it. She therefore got her up for discussion.

After much talk, it was clear that her curiosity led her down that route. So the mom told her, Feel free to ask me anything about any issue.
I had a case of a tweeny who is already into porn sometimes back. An investigation shows he decided to take a peek therein out of curiosity.

According to him, he has heard a lot of conversations about the said matter in school, so he wanted to know what exactly it's all about.

There is a lot out there that puts pressure on the minds of children to do or undo certain things.
Parents should not pretend like they've not been through that stage. We have all been there.

Children will always find answers on the internet to whatever question is on their hearts.

The challenge is, what kind of answers will they find? *You should always be their first point of call.*
To help them, always listen to them, establish a cordial relationship, and let them know they can always ask you anything rather than talk with friends and search the net.

That also puts a demand on you. 
*Aquire more knowledge and be versatile in your knowledge*.


              *THE C²*


There are two types of individuals in the world. The contributors and the consumers. Consumers do nothing but eat and give nothing in return. While the contributors are donors, they give. They are resourceful, innovative, creative, and productive. They are constantly thinking of ways to improve things. Consider ways to make things more comfortable than they are.
Consumers are takers who accept no responsibility for anything. They can come up with a thousand and one reasons why things aren't functioning. They shift blame to others, and they always have something to blame for their problems, whether it's relationships, the environment, or resources. And that, I assure you, is the quickest way to poverty.
Contributors accept responsibility for what happens to them and around them. Yes, whatever happened may not be their fault, but they are taking responsibility to make things right.

As a result, their lives and the lives of others around them are better than they were before. It is no surprise that they are wealthy because this causes them to think more, manage resources more effectively, become more creative, and inspire innovation and ingenuity.
Contributors create value, so they draw additional people and resources to themselves. while consumers are impoverished.

You know why? To those who have, more will be given to them, while to those who do not have even what they have, it will be taken away.
The distinction between the two is that one is self-full and the other is selfless. The majority of those honored today are contributors who etched their names in the sands of time via their selfless efforts.
*Choose your camp.*
I am Pastor E O Gabriel.
A very blessed evening.
(+254) 0732038865        
*N:B*. *Always share*.


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