*By Pastor E O Gabriel 17 November 2023*
SCRIPTURE: Look not upon me, because I am black, Because the Sun hath looked upon me: My mother's children were angry with me; They made me the Keeper of the Vineyards; But mine own Vineyard have I not kept - *Songs of Solomon 1:6*
*One of the Greatest errors a man can make is to focus on others and not himself.*
During the Earthly Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, He never hid His disdain for the Pharisees because they focused on others while ignoring themselves.
When a woman was caught in Adultery and was brought to Jesus, her accusers told Him Moses commanded us to stone to death anyone caught in Adultery. Jesus replied saying, anyone without a sin should cast the first stone. All her accusers left without casting a stone.
It is not unlikely that one of them was the man who committed Adultery with the woman.
The Simple Truth is that all the accusers were sinners who focused on finding the fault in others, and not on themselves.
The Bible says, they were convicted by their own conscience - *John 8:3-10*
Our Anchor Text says, they made me the Keeper of the Vineyards but mine own Vineyard have I not kept.
*Living by example is more Impactful than living by Moral Instructions.*
*Parenting has not been as effective as it should be because Parents focus on the children while ignoring who they are.*
*Good Leadership has been scarce because Leaders focus on the Followers while ignoring who they are.*
*Focusing on oneself for Greater improvements is the Greatest Impact one can make in his Generation.*
Peter said to the Lame man at the gate of the Temple, 'look on us.'
The man fastened his eyes on them expecting to receive something - *Acts 3:4-5*
The Lame man received Healing, Joy and began a close walk with God.
*When men look at you, what do they receive?*
Father, Please I want to be a Light in my Generation, help me to focus on myself.
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