Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit yet had a physical father in the person of Joseph the carpenter.
Joseph wasn't just any man. He was a righteous man with a high level of integrity. No wonder God could trust him with that level of responsibility.
He would have put away Mary when he found out she was pregnant, as the culture demands. That would have spelled doom for Mary, but being a compassionate man, he thought of doing that privately in order not to put Mary at risk.
While he thought about what to do, he got a revelation from God as to what's happening and what he's supposed to do.

Joseph could father Jesus well because he had a strong relationship with God, who is a father himself. *He could hear God* even in critical situations, even before things became crazy, so to speak.
Joseph wasn't just religious; he had a personal relationship with God. He enjoys divine instructions. He knew things even before they happened.
He could make the right decision at every point in time. You know why? He has a personal relationship with God.
To be the kind of father God wants you to be, you must have a personal relationship with God. You're just a custodian.
One of the greatest assets you could have or seek to have as a father is access to the supernatural.

Your ability to hear from God, the father of all fathers, only then can you be a father after God's heart.*Can you hear God*?


Right from the foundation of the earth, God has promised to send his son to the world for the salvation of mankind, but he needed a man in partnership.
Whatever God wants to do here on Earth, he will do it through a man.God found a man of integrity in a carpenter. The Bible says he's a *just* man.

He was going to let go of Mary when he found she was with a baby, until God spoke to him. Would he have been able to do that if he had compromised his integrity before that time?
His integrity created an enabling environment for the growth of Jesus. Yes, Jesus is divine, but he was entrusted to a mortal man.
God choosing Joseph was a great trust; that's entrusting the destiny of the whole world into his hands. He's a man of discipline and great self-control.
Those were the qualities that Jesus learned from his earthly father that enhanced the fulfillment of his purpose.
*Daddy, the way you're living, can it enhance the fulfillment of God's purpose in the lives of those children entrusted to you?*


When Joseph realized that Mary was with a child, I mean pregnant. He decided to break the engagement privately and quietly before God spoke to him.
The Bible says that while he thought about it, God spoke to him. Joseph was a compassionate and selfless man.
He wasn't thinking of himself alone; he was considerate. According to the law, he was supposed to bring Mary to the city gate to tell the whole Israel that she got pregnant out of wedlock.
He would be the one to cast the first stone, and then everyone would follow suit. Mary would be stoned to death, but he was willing to let her go quietly without making noise about it.
You can imagine how loving their family would be. Some men cannot and will not forgive. Even if God appears to them physically to convince them. They may keep quiet, but the sin of that woman would be before her regularly.
Making her life miserable. That annoyance would be transferred even to the children. Some men are very impulsive and irrational in their decisions.

They won't even listen to the voice of reason. Some would be the ones going about announcing it. Not Joseph. He protected her.
How do you explain a man who fails to provide for his home for two whole weeks all because he has a little quarrel with his wife? Yet they lift holy hands in worship of God.
How do you explain a man who will rather eat out than give money at home? Some are Santa Claus out there but tight-fisted at home.
The words in the mouths of some are another weapon of war. Yet we're wondering why our teenagers are lawless and brutal.
It's time to change the narrative. *You can start today.*

I am Pastor E O Gabriel.
Have a glorious evening.
*N:B*.*Always share*



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