*By Pastor E O Gabriel 14 May 2024*
SCRIPTURE: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of him - *Ephesians 1:17 KJV*
Esther obtained Grace in the sight of King Ahasuerus and was crowned the Queen in Place of Vashti - *Esther 2:16-17*
*Vashti was disgraced out of the Palace while Grace ushered Esther into the Palace.*
Our Anchor Bible Text talks about the riches of God's Grace.
*Whenever someone obtains Grace, the following Dividends, among others, will be delivered:*
*(1) Promotion*
• Esther obtained Grace, and she was lifted from Zero to becoming a Hero.
Today, the world is reading about her.
• Grace lifted Paul from being the Least of the Apostles to being a Frontline Apostle - *1Corinthians 15: 9-10*
*(2)* Grace empowers one to become a Wise Master Builder.
• Grace enabled Esther to Wisely build Relationships with the King and others.
She built lasting Relationships such that where Vashti failed, she succeeded.
Paul said according to the Grace that was given to me as a Wise Master Builder - *1 Corinthians 3:10*
*(3)* Grace grants access to Deep Revelations.
• The Bible says, Grace, and Truth came by Jesus Christ.
*The Truth Stands for Deep Revelations, the unveiling of Mysteries.*
• Abundance of Revelations were made available to Paul, an Apostle of Grace - *2 Corinthians 12:7*
*(4)* Grace delivers Power.
• Everyone who is Graceful is Powerful.
The writing that was Signed into Law by the King to exterminate the Jews in the Kingdom of Ahasuerus was reversed through Esther's intervention.
• Moses never Prayed for Power but Prayed for Grace - *Exodus 33:16*
When he found Grace, he was empowered to Perform Wonders.
• Paul enjoyed the Grace of God, and his handkerchief was healing the sick - *Acts 19:12*
*(5) Peace*
• Grace does not travel alone, but always accompanied by Peace of God - *1 Corinthians 1:3; 2 Corinthians 1:2; Philippians 1:2*
• When Grace is at work in a Man's Life, Nothing troubles him. He will enjoy Calmness of Mind even in a trouble situation.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I am saved by Grace through Faith. Please, let me enjoy the Dividends of Grace in Jesus Christ Name.
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