*By Pastor E O Gabriel 13 May 2024*
SCRIPTURE: Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of Hosts, He is the King of Glory. Selah - *Psalms 24:10*
*God has several Names, and each Name is Significant and Purposeful.*
*In John 11:25,* Jesus introduced Himself as the Ressurection and the Lofe, when he raised Lazarus from the Grave, after four days.
*In John 9:5,* He introduced Himself as the Light of the world, and the man born blind began to see.
In our Bible Text, He is introduced as the Lord of Hosts.
*This means He is the Commander of the Armies of Heaven, the Armies of the Earth, and the Armies under the Earth* - *Philippians 2:9-11*
*Lord of Hosts means He is the Commander of the Visible and Invisible Armies* -
*1 Samuel 17:45*
*Lord of Hosts means the Commander of all Forces; of Good and of Evil* - *Psalms 23:5-6; Joel 2:25; Malachi 3:11*
*(1)* The Lord of Hosts is a man of war - *1 Samuel 17:45*
David warred against Goliath in the Name of the Lord of Hosts.
*(2)* He can fight in the Air or on Land or in the Sea.
*(3)* He can fight for you or fight with you, or He can teach you how to fight and leave you to do the fighting -
*Exodus 14:13-14; Joshua 10:8-11; Psalms 144:1*
He taught David to fight Goliath.
*(4)* He can make your war to cease - *Psalms 46:9*
*(5)* He can make your enemies fight themselves and use them to bless you -
*2 Chronicles 20:20-25*
*(6)* He can disallow enemies from touching you -
*Psalms 105:13-15*
*7)* He can turn Forces of Evil to Good - *Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28*
*8)* He can empower an Unbeliever to work for you - *Isaiah 45:1*
*The Lord of Hosts can be a Wonderful friend or a Terrible enemy.*
Father, You are the Lord of Hosts. Please, help me not to offend You, that I may be on the Lord's Side at all times, in Jesus Christ Name.
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