*By pastor E O Gabriel 17 August 2024:Share*
SCRIPTURE: The crown of the wise is their riches: but the foolishness of fools is folly. *Proverbs 14:24.*
•The Scripture makes it clear that the Kingdom of God, through prosperity, shall be spread abroad (Zechariah 1:17). A major feature of the end time is the flow of supernatural resources for the purpose of global evangelization and impact (Haggai 2:8-9). Kingdom prosperity is a major agenda of God for the end time.
•Now, it has been confirmed that there is a connection between wisdom and wealth. The manifestation of wisdom is always the manifestation of wealth.
•In Genesis 41:39-44, we understand that Pharaoh saw the Wisdom of God in the life of Joseph. As a result, he made him lord over the land of Egypt and gave him vestures of fine linen, gold and rings (Genesis 41:42). This clearly shows that where wisdom abounds, wealth also abounds. Wealth follows Wisdom.
•Also, in 1 Kings 10:23-25, we saw how wisdom brought Solomon unusual dimension of wealth. King Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth for riches and for wisdom and all the earth sought to hear his wisdom which God has put in his heart. And as they came to Solomon to hear his wisdom, they brought along vessels of silver and gold to him.
*So, anywhere wisdom is on ground, wealth is at home. Wealth travels in the direction of wisdom. Supernatural wealth will follow supernatural wisdom. Therefore, make up your mind to pursue the wisdom of God.*
*KEY WORD: Anywhere wisdom is on ground, wealth is at home. Wealth travels in the direction of wisdom.*
•Wisdom is the key to ruling on earth and foolishness is the mystery behind hardship on earth.
1. Make up your mind to pursue and possess the Wisdom of God.
2. Connect supernatural wealth through the Wisdom of God.
*Light remains the cure for darkness - one light from heaven is enough to trash every darkness of shortage -Trust God for Light.*
PRAYER: Thank You Lord for Your Word to me today. I receive grace to connect Your Wisdom and manifest Your Wealth in my generation, Lord, in Jesus Christ Name.
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