*By Pastor E O Gabriel 13 February 2025:Share*
SCRIPTURE: The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have Life, and that they might have it more Abundantly - *John 10:10 KJV*
*There are different Levels of Operations.*
*There are four Levels of Operation in Material terms:*
*The Levels of Provision*
*The First Level: Nothing*
Peter told Jesus, _"We have toiled all night and caught nothing." - *Luke 5:5*
When Elijah was on the Mountain Praying for the Prophecy of Abundant Rain to manifest, he sent his Servant to check the Sky, but the Servant returned saying, "Nothing."
*This Level is highly Painful and Humiliating.*
*The Second Level: Not Enough*
When five thousand Men were to be fed in the Wilderness during the Earthly Ministry of our Lord Jesus, Andrew announced that a lad among them had five loaves of bread and two fish. However, he also asked, _"What are they among so many?"_ *John 6:9*
*Andrew was essentially saying that their level was "Not Enough".*
*This level is better than the level of Nothing, but it is still very frustrating.*
*The Third Level: Just Enough*
When Elijah requested a cake from the Widow of Zarephath, she replied, _"What I have is just enough for me and my son." - *1 Kings 17:12*
*This level is better than "Not Enough", but it is neither ¢atisfying nor fulfilling.*
*The Fourth Level: More Than Enough*
When Jesus blessed the five loaves of bread and two fish, the five thousand men ate, and there were leftovers - *John 6:11-12*
*This is the Level God wants for His Children. He said, _"Ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and Praise the name of the Lord"* - *Joel 2:26*
Whenever we encounter Jesus Christ, He moves us from whatever Level we are at to the Level of More Than Enough - *John 10:10*
Peter encountered Jesus Christ and moved from Nothing to More Than Enough - *Luke 5:1-7*
Father, in the nayme of Jesus, Please move me up to the Level of More Than Enough in Jesus Christ Name.
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