*By Pastor E O Gabriel  30 July 2023*

 SCRIPTURE: But Peter continued knocking: And when they had opened the door, and saw him, they were astonished - *Acts 12:16*

Herod stretched his hand against the Church. He arrested James the brother of John and killed him.

When he saw that the Jews were Pleased, he went ahead and arrested Peter and put him in Prison. He intended to bring him out after Easter and kill him. But the Church Prayed without ceasing unto God for him - *Acts 12:5*

The Bible says, the Night before Peter would have been brought forth, he was sleeping between two Soldiers bound with Chains  and the Angel visited him and Light broke forth in Prison.

The Angel smote him on the side and raised him up. His Chains fell off and he followed the Angel. When they came out of the Prison, the Angel left him. Peter, then came to the understanding that God has sent his Angel for his Deliverance - *Acts 12:11*

He therefore went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark, where the Brethren were Praying. He knocked at the door of the gate and a damsel named Rhoda heard him and knew his Voice. She ran in excitement to tell those Praying that Peter was at the door. They all said she was mad, but when she insisted it was him, they said it was his Angel.

Meanwhile, Peter continued knocking. 

Finally, they opened the door and saw him, and they were astonished. 

*Peter was behind a closed door and continued knocking.*

*Are you behind a closed and knocking? - Please, keep knocking.*

*Why must you keep knocking?*

*(1)* The very first time you knocked, though the door was not yet opened Somebody inside heard you.

When Peter began to knock, Rhoda who was inside, heard him and knew his voice.

The Angel of the Lord told Daniel the very day you began to Pray, God sent me to you but the Prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me for twenty one days - *Daniel 10:12-13*

*(2)* Your knocking is already undergoing a Process. Your request is receiving Attention.

Rhoda who heard Peter knocking had relayed the Message to others.

The Angel was already despatched for Daniel, and he was withstood and had sent for reinforcement - *Daniel 10:12-13*

*To stop knocking is to terminate the Process.*

*(3)* Your continuous knocking will weary those inside and force them to open.

Jesus told us the Parable of an Unrighteous Judge who knew not God nor did he regard any Man. A Widow came to him requesting him to avenge her. She kept troubling the Judge.

Though, the Judge regarded no Man, he answered her so that she will not weary him - *Luke 18:1-5*

*(4)* Persitence will break Resistance.

*(5)* The only thing that is Permanent in Life is Change.

*Therefore, keep knocking don't give up - Quitters don't win, Winners don't quit.*


Father, Please I have laid my hand on the Plough, let me not look back .


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