*By Pastor E O Gabriel  13 July 2023*

SCRIPTURE: Behold, I will do a New Thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert - *Isaiah 43:19*

In the Scripture above, God Promised to do a New Thing. 

*A New Thing connotes many things including New Dawn, New Beginning, New Era, New Season.*

*We will narrow our discussion to New Season and look at it from the following Perspectives:*

*(1)* Everything in life has a Season - *Ecclesiastes 3:1*

God said I will give you rain in due Season - *Leviticus 26:4*

In the same Scripture, He said in the Rainy Season there will be Increase and Fruitfulness.

In another Scripture, God said in the Rainy Season, the work of thine hand is blessed and you lend to Nations and not borrow - *Deuteronomy 28:12*

Similarly, we have Dry Seasons, Seasons of no rain, Seasons of no increase, famine, barrenness - *Deuteronomy 11:17*

*(2)* Every Season is Subject to Change.

No Season is Permanent; every Season can Change for Good or evil - *Daniel 2:21*

Samaria had a Season of Great famine, Dry Seasons, no Increase,  Fruitfulness. But, the Lord changed the Season to a Season of Abundance - *2 Kings 6:24, 2 Kings 7:1*

The Season of Abundance came and the People were eating in Plenty and were satisfied. Shortly after, the Lord called for a famine - *2 Kings 8:1*

*(3)* Seasons don't Change on their own, God changes the Seasons - Dan. 2:21

Seasons don't Change by the ticking of the clocks, Seasons don't Change by the Calendars, God changes the Seasons - *Isaiah 43:19*

*Man cannot Change the seasons, they are changed by God.*

*When the Lord speaks, Seasons Change.*

Elisha said, hear ye the Word of the Lord. *2 Kings 7:1*

*It was the Word spoken by the Lord, that birthed the New Season of Abundance in Samaria.*

Jeremiah said thy Words were found and I did eat them and thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart - Jeremiah 15:16

The Word birthed the New Season of joy and rejoicing.

*New Seasons are therefore birthed by the Truth; the Revelations and Inspiration  from the Lord.*

*Whenever the Mysteries of the Kingdom are revealed, a New Season is birthed.*

Jacob received an Inspiration from the Lord, while keeping the flocks of Laban, and that birthed a Season of exceeding Greatness for him - *Genesis 30:43*

*(4)* Every Season has a Reason.

Whenever God changes the Season, it is for a reason. He called for a famine in Samaria because the People were Unthankful - *2 Kings 8:1*

*(5)* Although a Man has no Power to Change the Seasons, he can Provoke the Change of Seasons.

The Bible says, Elias was a Man Subject to like Passion as we are and he Prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the Earth for a space of three Years and six Months - *James 5:17*

And he Prayed again and the Heaven gave rain and the Earth brought her fruit - *James 5:18*

*Elijah Provoked the Change of Seasons through the instrumentality of Prayer.*

God also listed for us, the Instruments of Provoking the Change of Seasons in addition to Prayer in *2 Chronicles 7:13-14.*

*They are:*

*(1)* Humility 

*(2)* Seeking God's face

*(3)* Turning away from the wicked ways.


Father, Please help me to Provoke a New Season of joy and rejoicing in my Life.


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