During one of our Bible club activities,   I was having a session with several preteens. The narrative revolved around Joseph being a man of integrity and refusing to cheat on his boss, even when given the opportunity.
In the course of teaching, I  talked about the issue of internet fraud known as "Yahoo". One of the boys in our Bible club suddenly blurted out, "Have they not cheated us enough?"
My ears tingled, and we were all taken aback by that young lad's unexpected reaction. I instantly drew my chair closer to him while  explored him and corrected the narrative, sharing more about some of the Bible characters we've learned from.
After conversing with the class, it occurred to me how many of our young people become involved in vices through this channel. They've been deceived into believing numerous lies in order to persuade them to do these things.
I'm curious how many more preteens are entangled in this web of deception. It sparked a lot of thought in me.
Let us not simply tell our children that this is wrong or that this is terrible; instead, let us take the time to learn about what they know and have heard about these issues.
This will allow us to correct misconceptions early on. What they heard and where they got it tells us a lot about their beliefs and reactions to that particular topic.
Spending time with them, sharing, and listening to them provides you with a wealth of information about their world.
Take your time exploring and doing what is necessary.

Celebrating oneself entails pausing to express sincere gratitude for your life. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to lose sight of thankfulness.
Celebrating oneself is not a sign of arrogance. When you celebrate your victories, it motivates you to achieve even more, which boosts your confidence even more.
It's fine to be ambitious; the key is to cultivate a mindset that allows you to pursue large things in life without losing the tiny things that make life worthwhile. We often take life too seriously and become so focused on the end result that we forget to enjoy the journey.
Life is about being rather than doing. A lot of the time, we are more concerned with doing than being, and as a result, we miss out on the lovely moments.
Celebrating yourself sends a message to the universe that you're ready for more.

Celebrate yourself for pushing through the huddle, for that small success, and for being able to execute that strategy and obtain the desired result. Pat yourself on the back and move on.
When one's efforts go unnoticed, life becomes boring and exhausting. Do you know why athletes are always cheered on while on the field? It's a way of keeping them motivated, engaged, focused, and energized. We have a culture of waiting until the end result is reached before rejoicing or celebrating others.
It's okay, but a lot of people get to the finish line depleted.
It's no surprise that many people give up along the way because everyone is focused on the big break and they lose sight of their small accomplishments. Forgetting that a big break is the accumulation of small, little break. 
Small victories have a lot of power, and the joy that comes from making progress on important goals is priceless.
Don't wait for somebody to applaud you; instead, celebrate your own strength, progress, and accomplishments. This can also assist you in identifying the role that other people have played in your life and will keep you appreciative.
If you don't say you are, no one will say thou are. Don't wait for someone else to do it for you.
Celebrate yourself.
*N.B.* Counting down to our students outreach against drug abuse and secondary schools.
I am Pastor E O Gabriel.
A very blessed evening.
*N:B*. *Always share*.



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