*By Pastor E O Gabriel  05  August 2024:Share*

SCRIPTURE: Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. *Luke 10:19*

*Altars have been known to be places of pronouncements and announcements – negative or positive. Pronouncements like, “From this day forward, in blessing I will bless you and everyone that rise against you I will curse.” And where it is evil altars, the pronouncements are negative.*

•Altars are places of blessings or curses – where blessings are released or curses are invoked. It is important to know that altars affect welfare on earth. The altar of God prospers people while evil altars are against people’s welfare.

*So, it is crucial to deal with evil altars. And in dealing with evil altars, one of the facts to know is that a child of God has the power over all the powers of evil to destroy and neutralize them.* 

•Our anchor Scripture says, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 

•This means, nothing shall by any accident, mistake, happenstance, coincidence, or miscalculation, hurt you. Your life is above hurt as a redeemed child of God. That is why you can never be a victim of any stray bullet. You cannot die another person’s death. 

•Even if someone who is carrying a diabolic substance to hurt you shakes hands with you, it will re-fire automatically back to sender because it shall by no means hurt you.

•Beloved, I declare your freedom from the effect of evil altars. Any altar trying to manipulate your destiny is catching fire right now, in Jesus’ Name.

*Aways remember this: Your life is above hurt as a redeemed child of God.*

 •Occupants of the secret place of the Most High can never become victims of the adversary.  

•There is a realm that is beyond the reach of harm. A man on the last floor of a 20-storey building does not fear the movement of a serpent on the ground floor. Will you ensure that you camp permanently in the Presence of your Maker? Far above principalities. 

1. Declare what the Word of God says concerning you daily.

2. When you notice any resistance or confrontation around your life, engage in warfare prayer; refuse to be silent.

3. Align yourself with the prophetic parental blessing released  during the service.

PRAYER: Father, by the power You have graciously given to me, I declare that every altar established to fight my life, destiny and family  is catching fire right now, Lord in Jesus Christ  Name.


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