Divine Lifting - Part 2



   *Divine Lifting -  Part 2*

*By Pastor E O Gabriel  02 September 2024*

He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, And lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, To set them among Princes, And to make them inherit the Throne of Glory: For the Pillars of the Earth are the LORD's, And he hath set the world upon them - *1 Samuel 2:8 KJV*

*There are several ways a Man may be lifted.*

A Man may be lifted by another Man - *Esther 3:1*

A Man may also lift up himself - Absalom was on the journey of self lifting before he met his death.

A Man may also be lifted up by God - This is Divine Lifting.

*Let us discuss the Nature of Divine Lifting, some of which are:*

*(1)* It is beyond Human Imagination. 

A beggar sitting with the High and Mighty - *1 Samuel 2:8; Psalms 118:23*

*(2)* It is enduring or Lasting - *Ecclesiastes 3:14*

• Joseph was lifted at the age of thirty.

• His lifting lasted till the date of death. His lifting lasted for eighty years - *Genesis 50:26*

*(3)* It is Limitless. 

• When God is lifting a Man up, he may know where he started from, but he may not be able to grasp just how far God may take him. 

David is a Good Example of Divine Lifting.

He became Captain of his brothers - *1 Samuel 16:1-13*

He later became the King of Judah - *2 Samuel 2:4*

He climbed a higher height and became the King of Israel - *2 Samuel 5:3*

He later became the father of the King of Kings - *Mark 10:46-52*

*(4)* It is Contagious.

When a Man is lifted by God, everyone around will be lifted - *Genesis 30:27*

*(5)* It is sorrow free - *Proverbs 10:22*

*(6)* It is Irreversible because underneath are the Everlasting Arms - *Deuteronomy 33:27*

*No Force, no Witch, no Wizard can reverse whatever God has done* - *Isaiah 14:27*

*(7)* It is Withdrawable by God.

• God withdrew the lifting of Eli and his house - *1 Samuel 2:30*

• The lifting of King Saul was withdrawn by God - *1 Samuel 16:1*


Father, in Jesus Name, Please let my lifting be sorrow free and not withdrawn by You in Jesus Christ Name.


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