*By Pastor E O Gabriel 21 December 2024:Share*
SCRIPTURE: And the Priests that bare the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD stood firm on dry Ground in the midst of Jordan, and all the Israelites passed over on dry Ground, until all the People were passed Clean over Jordan - *Joshua 3:17 KJV*
The Red Sea Parted once, but Jordan Parted thrice as Previously discussed.
*What happens whenever Jordan Parts?*
*(1)* Wilderness Experiences end as earlier discussed.
*(2)* Murmurings end and Gratitude begins.
• The wilderness is the Period between Promise and Fulfilment.
The children of Isreal spent the Period murmuring against Moses, Aaron, and the Lord.
• The Murmurings against the Leadership in this old year will give way to Gratitude in the New Year. No more Protests.
*(3)* Circular Movements shall be no more. Forward and Upward Movements will be daily occurrences.
• When the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they spent years for the journey of days, moving in Circles because they lived to murmur - *Deuteronomy 1:2; Deuteronomy 2:14*
But when Jordan Parted for them, it was a New Dawn.
*(4)* Fear, Particularly the fear of Death, ended with the Parting of Jordan.
Despite the Miraculous Parting of the Red Sea for the children of Israel, they lived their lives unconscious of the Presence of God.
Therefore, they lived in fears.
The Report of Giants in the Promised land heightened their fear.
The Parting of Jordan turned their fear to Faith.
*(5)* Loses turned to Gains.
Of the Generation that left Egypt, only two were alive to see the Parting of Jordan.
The Bible Scholars told us that about two thousand Men left Egypt, and only two saw the Parting of Jordan.
So many lives were lost in the wilderness.
But with the Parting of Jordan, losses turned to gain.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, Please, in the coming year, turn my loss into gains in Jesus Christ Name.
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