*By Pastor E O Gabriel 03 January 2025:Share*
SCRIPTURE: When Lot was separated from Adam, God asked him to lift up his eyes from where he was and look Northward, Southward, Eastward, and Westward: And the Land which he sees shall be his and his Seed forever.
*Let us consider the Usefulness of the above at such a time as this:*
*(1)* It tells us the need to have a Vision for this New Journey.
• Eyes stands for Vision.
*It is important for us to know that whatever we don't see, we can't have. Before we have it, we must see it.*
*(2)* God instructed him to lift up the eyes.
*(i)* When eyes are lifted, they see beyond where they are, they see far.
*God wanted him to see farther than where he was because the farther you see, the farther you go.*
• Joseph lifted up his eyes. He saw himself going farther than his Parents and Siblings in Life - *Genesis 37:5-11*
*(ii)* When eyes are lifted, Present Challenges are no longer the Central focus.
They become Stepping Stones to the Journey ahead.
At the time Joseph lifted up his eyes, he was a "Spoilt Child" who was spoilt by the love of his father.
While his brothers were busy working in the field to take care of the Sheep, he was home Playing, and he was Slothful.
But what he saw empowered him to overcome his Challenges.
*(iii)* When eyes are lifted, whatever is seen will require help to Possess it - *Psalm 121:1-2*
• When Joseph lifted up his eyes, what he saw required help to Possess. Hence, he clinged unto God for Performance - *Genesis 39:2*
*(iv)* When eyes are lifted, Speed is enhanced because distractions are well taken care of.
• There is a Direct Proportion between Vision and Speed.
If you see well, you will move fast - *Jeremiah 1:11-12*
• It was for this reason that Joseph's Great Vision took only thirteen years for Performance.
At age thirty, he was already a Prime Minister of the Most Powerful Nation in the world - *Genesis 41:40-46*
*(v)* When eyes are lifted, you see beyond men.
Men who are Praising you will not slow you down because you can't see them.
Men who are mocking you will not be able to stop you because you can't see them.
It is not helpful to close one's eyes at such a time as this.
Where there is no Vision, the People Perish - *Proverbs 29:18*
Father, in the Name of Jesus, Please let me see where you expect me to be this Year in Jesus Christ Name.
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