
Showing posts from October, 2024


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *BREAKING LOOSE FROM HEREDITARY  PUNISHMENTS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  15 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: What mean ye, that ye use this Proverb concerning the Land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge? *[3]* As I live, saith the Lord GOD, ye shall not have occasion any more to use this Proverb in Israel - *Ezekiel 18:2-3 KJV* Before Jesus came, when fathers sinned, the Punishment and Curse were visted upon the children.  But it is not the Will of God that a Man should suffer for sins he has not committed. Hence, He said the Soul that sins shall die - *Ezekiel 18:4* Therefore, we can break loose from the Punishments arising from the sins of our fathers. *What do we do to break loose?* *(1)* By being Genuinely Born Again - *2 Corinthians 5:17* *(2)* By Loving the Lord.  • God will visit the sins of fathers upon the children among those who hate H


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                            *WHEN FATHER'S SINNED* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  14 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Our fathers have sinned and are not; And we have borne their iniquities - *Lamentations 5:7 KJV* The Lord God is a Jealous God who visits the iniquities of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth Generation - *Exodus 20:5* *Therefore, when fathers sinned, their children bore these Punishment among others:* *(1)* Sicknesses that defied all Medications. • The children of Gehazi were afflicted with Leprosy because of the offence of Gehazi, their father. *(2)* Unreasonable Hardship - *Jeremiah 5:9* *(3)* Servitude of  Unimaginable Dimensions - *Jeremiah 5:8* • The Hivites who deceived the Men of Israel and made a League were allowed to live but remained hewers of wood and drawers of water - *Joshua 9:6-21* *(4)* Men live without Glory - *Jeremiah 5:16* *(5)* Their Elders were of no Value - *Jeremiah 5:14* *(


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                  *THE GREAT FAITH* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  13 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Then Jesus answered and said unto her, O woman, great is thy Faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour - *Matthew 15:28 KJV* Jesus turned to His Disciples who were fearful in the storm and questioned their Little Faith - *Matthew 8:26* But in our Anchor Bible Text, He turned to the woman of Canaan who came to seek help for her daughter, who was grievously vexed with a devil, and commended her Great Faith. *This teaches us that Faith is in Levels and varies from Person to Person irrespective of Position or Title.* Disciples with Titles had Little Faith, while a woman with No Title had Great Faith. *What are the Characteristics of Great Faith?* *(1)* It believes that the Word of God is True - It does not doubt the Word. • Jesus called the woman a dog. She did not disagree,


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *GOD'S KIND OF FAITH - Part 3* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  12 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water - *Matthew 14:28 KJV* The Disciples of our Lord Jesus were in a ship in the midst of contrary wind when they saw Jesus walking on the sea towards them. They were afraid, thinking it was a Ghost, but Jesus spoke to them to be of Good Cheer and that He was the One. Immediately, Peter answered and said, "Bid me to come to come unto you." And Jesus said,  "come."   Then, Peter came out of the ship and walked on water to Jesus. *God's kind of Faith holds on to the Word of God, believes the Word, runs with the Word, with eyes on Jesus even in the face of a Life-Threatening situation.* *God's kind of Faith will do the following among others as seen in the Life of Peter:* *(1)* It helps to triump difficult


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                            *GOD KIND OF FAITH - Part 2* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  11 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: And being not weak in Faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadness of Sarah's womb - *Romans 4:19 KJV* Jesus asked His Disciples who were experiencing a Great Storm why they were so fearful?  He asked 'how is it that ye have no Faith?' - *Mark 4:40* *He was saying to them that being Fearful is to be empty of Faith.* *Therefore, God's kind of Faith is empty of Fear.* *This is Possible only when we are able to look beyond what we see, hear, smell,  touch, or taste and act on what God says.* God told Abraham that He had made him a father of many Nations. Abraham was about a hundred years old while Sarah, his wife, was about ninety years old.  Our Anchor Bible Text says Abraham considered not the fact that his body was dead nor considered


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *THE GOD KIND OF FAITH - Part 1* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  10 October 2024:Share* Faith is important in our walk with God.  The Bible says the Just shall live by Faith - *Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17* Without Faith, it is impossible to Please God - *Hebrews 11:6* When the world delivers an Evil Report, Faith will give a Good Report - *Hebrews 11:2* Victory over the Challenges of Life are guaranteed through Faith.  It subdues Kingdoms and stops the mouths of Lions - *Hebrews 11:33* No one can be Overcome or Overwhelmed by the Ups and Downs of Life whose Faith has not failed - *Luke 22:31-32* Job faced Great Challenges in Life, which made his wife advise him to curse God and die - *Job 2:9* His friends came together to make his Challenges worse.  But in all these, Job's Faith failed not. He kept his eyes away from his Pains and Adversities and focused on God.  He said, I know my Redeemer lives - *Job 19:25*


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                    *PEACE WITHIN* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  09 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have Peace. In the world ye shall have Tribulation: but be of Good Cheer; I have overcome the world - *John 16:33 KJV* Our Lord Jesus and His Disciples were crossing to the other side, and there was a great Storm of wind against the ship. It was so serious that the Disciples thought that they were going to Perish. At the peak of their worries, they woke Jesus up, and He rebuked the wind and said, 'Peace, be Still'. The wind ceased, and there was a great calm - *Mark 4:35-41* Jesus said "Peace, be Still"; and there was a great calm.  Why didn't the Disciples say the same, considering the fact that they are created in the Image of God and expected to function like Jesus? The answer lies in their reaction to the Storm.  When the Storm came, they wer


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                *HE IS THE LIFTER* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  08 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: But thou, O LORD, art a Shield for me; My Glory, and the Lifter Up of mine head - *Psalm 3:3 KJV* The Psalmist said the Lord is the Lifter Up of my head. 1. He can lift you above those who have gone ahead of you in Life and make you their Captain.  This happened to Ephraim and David - *Genesis 48:20; 1 Samuel 16:1-13* 2. He can lift you above those who rise up against your family and in your Calling - *Psalm 18:48* 3. He can lift you up over the Challenges of your Life and family.  Hannah was lifted above Barrenness and related Challenges of Marriage, and she Testified - *1 Samuel 2:8* 4. He can lift up the Forgotten and make him sit with the High and the Mighty.  He did it for Mephiboshet, a Man so forgotten that no one thought he could rise again. He came out of Obscurity to Limelight - *2 Samuel 9:1-7* God hasn't Cha


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *FROM HERO TO ZERO TO HERO* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  07 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: For a Just Man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: But the Wicked shall fall into mischief - *Proverbs 24:16 KJV* Life is a Journey.  *A Man can move from being a Hero to Zero and still rise to become a Hero.*  *This was  the Journey of Mephiboshet, Jonathan's son.* He was born into the first Royal House in Israel, so he was a Prince. But, tragedy struck when he was five years old, and his father and grandfather died the same day.  The News of the tragedy troubled the Nation.  The Nurse who was taking care of Mephiboshet carelessly handled him, and he fell and became Lame - *2 Samuel 4:4* His deformity took him to Lodebar, a Low Place of no importance.  *He therefore fell from being a Prince to living in Lowly Places.* But God, who is the lifter of heads, remembered him in his Low Estate and lifted him into the


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                              *HE RAISES THE POOR* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  06 September 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: He raiseth up the Poor out of the dust, And lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, To set them among Princes, And to make them inherit the Throne of Glory: For the Pillars of the Earth are the LORD's, And he hath set the world upon them - *1 Samuel 2:8 KJV* All Power in Heaven and on Earth belongs to God - *Matthew 28:18; Psalms 62:11*  God has the Power to raise the Poor out of the dust and sit him among the High and the Mighty.  He demonstrated this in the Life of Jacob. Jacob ran away from home because of the life-threatening attack from Esau, his brother. He had nothing, and he was so Poor that he could not afford to buy a Pillow - *Genesis 28:10* But God raised him up, and he increased Exceedingly - *Genesis 30:43* *His Story confirms three Major happenings when God is raising a Man:* *(1)* Heaven will be opene


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                  *KEEP YOUR HEART* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  05 September 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of Life - *Proverbs 4:23 KJV* *Our hearts are important in our walk with God because He looks at our hearts and not our appearances* - *1  Samuel 16:7* *Our Services are unacceptable when our hearts are unacceptable.* The Lord accepted the Offering of Abel because his heart was accepted, while the offering of Cain was rejected because his heart was unacceptable - *Genesis 4:4-5* *Therefore, there is a need to keep our hearts with all diligence that our walk with God will not be in vain.* *Why must we keep our Hearts?* *(1)* As we think in our hearts, so are we - *Proverbs 23:7* *(2)* Our hearts are battle fields between Good and Evil - *2 Corinthians 10:4-5* *(3)* A Troubled Heart is a Troubled Life, while a Peaceful Heart is a Peaceful Life - *John 14:27* *


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *RE-EXAMINE IN CHALLENGING TIMES* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  04 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the Faith; Prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be Reprobates? - *2 Corinthians 13:5 KJV* David, a Man after God's Own Heart, offered to join the Philistines to war against Israel, the Children of God. While he and his Men were on this Mission, the Amalekites invaded his City and caused a great havoc in the City. David faced a great crisis and wept until he had no Power to weep - *1 Samuel 29; 1 Samuel 30:4* Abraham, a friend of God, lied by introducing his wife as his Sister, and his Marriage faced great Challenges - *Genesis 20:1-4* The Bible says whoso breaketh an hedge a serpent shall bite him - *Ecclesiastes 10:8* Consequently, when faced with Challenges, it is important to re-examine one's ways to see the d


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *RE-FOCUS IN CHALLENGING TIMES* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  03 October 2023:Share* SCRIPTURE: And David said to Abiathar the Priest, Ahimelech's son, I Pray thee, bring me hither the ephod. And Abiathar brought thither the ephod to David. [8] And David enquired at the LORD, saying, Shall I Pursue after this troop? Shall I overtake them? And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all - *1 Samuel 30:7-8 KJV* Life is full of Challenges - *Job 14:1* *One surest way of rising above the Challenges of Life is to re-focus our Vision.* David did this to overcome the Challenges of his time. David was running away from King Saul when he found a Shelter in the Land of the Philistines and found a good friend in Achish, the king of the Philistines.  While David was in the Land of the Philistines, they were to war against Israel, and David and his Men offered to join the


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *THE CHILDREN OF EPHRAIM - Part 2* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  02 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: The children of Ephraim, being armed and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle - *Psalm 78:9 KJV* The favour of the Lord lifted Ephraim into Prominence and Relevance, but the children could not sustain the height because they lacked the Strength to battle. They had the weapons to battle but turned back in the day of battle.  *Many Believers are like the children of Ephraim with many weapons of war, such as the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, etc. Still, they always turn back in the day of battle.* *The weapons of battle work only when we have the Strength to battle.* *How do we build the Strength for battle in Life?* *(1)* Knowledge of the Lord - *Daniel 11:32; 2 Timothy 1:12* • Knowing about Him is not Sufficient, but knowing Him is the answer - *Philippians 3:10* *(2)* Constantly w


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *THE CHILDREN OF EPHRAIM  (Part 1)* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  01 October 2024:Share* SCRIPTURE: The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle - *Psalm 78:9 KJV* Joseph had two sons, Manasseh, the first born, and Ephraim, the second. Joseph brought his two sons to his father, Jacob, to bless them.  Jacob set Ephraim before Manasseh, the second born, by laying his right hand on Ephraim. Subsequently, Ephraim was excelling over and above Manasseh.  *Whenever their names were mentioned in the Scriptures, the name of Ephraim would come first because the blessing of Jacob had repositioned Ephraim before Manasseh.* *But when you come to the book of Revelation, the name of Ephraim was no longer mentioned, only the name of Manasseh featured Prominently. Ephraim lost his Relevance while Manasseh gained Prominence.* *Our Bible Bible Text gives us the clue for the loss of Eph