SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL *ETERNAL HOME* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 31 October 2024:Share* Bible Text: John 14 *The Second Coming of the Lord is the beginning of the Journey of the Saints who are either dead or alive to their Eternal or Heavenly Home.* When Jesus appears in Glory, the Saints who are dead will rise first to meet the Lord, and the Saints who are alive will arise and be caught up with them in the clouds - *1 Thessalonians 4:16-17* The Eternal Home of Believers is a City of an Endless Day; there is no Night there - *Revelation 21:25* The Lord shall be the Everlasting Light - *Isaiah 60:20* The Street of the City is paved with Pure Gold with no Death nor Sorrow nor crying, or Pain - *Revelation 21: 4, 21* The City has a Place for every Believers whose name is writ...