SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL *FROM FAITH TO FEAR* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 31 August 2023* We are saved by Grace through Faith. Every Believer has a Measure of Faith. Our walk with God is Authenticated by Faith. A Faithless walk is not just a casual walk but a sinful one. The bible says, whatsoever is not of Faith is sin - *Romans 14:23* When Peter stepped out of the boat to walk on water, he was living by Faith. But when he saw the wind boisterious, he was afraid and he began to sink - *Matthew 14:30* *The walk from Faith to fear is an Invitation to the forces of evil to sink every Good work in a Man's Life.* *The walk from Faith to Fear can truncate a Man's Destiny.* The children of Israel stepped out of Egypt in Faith, but were stranded and they Perished in the wilderness when their Faith turned into Fear. It...