
Showing posts from November, 2023


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *NAME CHANGE THROUGH FIRE*  *By Pastor E O Gabriel  30 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god - *Acts 28:6* *Every encounter with the Fire of God will bring about a name Change.* The Bible says, thou shall be called by a New Name which the mouth of the Lord shall name - *Isaiah 62:2* Moses ran away from Egypt to Midian because he was called a Murderer.  While he was keeping the flock of Jethro his father in law, he encountered the Fire of the Lord. He saw the bush burning but was not consumed.  As he turned to look, he heard a voice Change his name from Murderer to Deliverer - *Exodus 3:2* Sim...


  *WHAT CAN THEY LEVERAGE ON?*                                         Zaccheaus was a very short man. He has been hearing about Jesus for a while and has desired to see him.   One day, as Jesus was passing by, being a short man, he knew he needed leverage. Having noted the direction of Jesus movement, he looked around and saw a tree. He quickly climbed it, waiting for Jesus to pass so he could have a proper view of him.   But he got more than he bargained for. He didn't only see Jesus; Jesus followed him home and sup with him. That was more than he asked for.   A lot of people are crying for the opportunity they missed. This is mostly due to the leverage their parents never gave them as children.   A lot of parents are economizing for the future. The exposure you are supposed to pay for today that you didn't give your children today, they will pay for it...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *EVIL THRIVES WHERE THERE IS NO FIRE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  29 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Therefore understand today that the Lord your God is He who goes over before you as a Consuming Fire. He will destroy them and bring them down before you; so you shall drive them out and destroy them quickly, as the Lord has said to you - *Deuteronomy 9:3* The Bible says the fire upon the Altar shall keep burning and it shall not be put out - *Leviticus 6:12* *One of the reasons the fire shall not be put out is because evil thrives where there is no fire.* When fire was ignited in Island called Melita, the viper which had been hiding amongst the sticks was exposed and burnt by the fire - *Acts 28:1-4* *Wherever the fire of the Holy Spirit is absent, evil manifestations become very rampant.* There was a t...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *THE HEAVEN OVER YOU IS OPENED* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  28 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: And said, Behold, I see the Heavens opened, and the Son of man Standing on the Right Hand of God - *Acts 7:56* Heaven is the dwelling Place of God - *Psalms 115:3* Heaven has Doors and Windows - *Psalms 78:23, Genesis 7:11* Therefore, Heaven can either be shut or open. In our Anchor Text, Stephen was being stoned to death but his eyes were opened and he saw the Heavens opened. This is because the Heaven over a True Child of God is opened. *There are a number of Scriptural evidence to confirm that the Heaven over a True Child of God is opened.* *Let us consider some of them:* *A true Child of God is:* *(1)* In Christ Jesus - *2 Corinthians 5:17* *(2)* Christ is in him or her -  *Colossians 1:27* *(3)* He o...


  *CHECK WITH THEM*                                               Peer pressure is real; we have all experienced it at one time or another. It comes in different shades. It is not peculiar to a particular age group. Young and old are not exempted from it.   A colleague of mine shared how she woke up one night and noticed her teenage daughter pretending to be fast asleep. Looking around, she noticed she had been using her phone. She checked through the browsing history to find her searching for  *what is sex?*    She had to wake her up, letting her know she had seen it. She therefore got her up for discussion. After much talk, it was clear that her curiosity led her down that route. So the mom told her, Feel free to ask me anything about any issue.   I had a case of a tweeny who is already into porn sometimes back. An investigation sh...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                     *HE DEPARTED FOR A SEASON* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  27 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: And when the devil had ended all the Temptation, he departed from Him for a Season - *Luke 4:13* The above Scriptures says, when the devil was done tempting Jesus, he departed from Him for a Season. *This teaches us that lives are lived in Seasons.* *There is a Season of being confronted by the devil and a Season to be left alone by him.*  While Seasons Change, we are expected to be steadfast, unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord - *1 Corinthians 15:58* *It takes consistency in our walk with God to be above in every Season that comes our way.* The Bible says, for the Lord God is a Sun and Shield; the Lord will give Grace and Glory; no Good thing will he withhold from them that walk Uprightly - *Psalms 84:11* Th...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                   *FIRE AND VIPER* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  26 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Howbeit they looked when he should have swollen, or fallen down dead suddenly: but after they had looked a great while, and saw no harm come to him, they changed their minds, and said that he was a god - *Acts 28:6* The scene that took Place at Melita Island while Paul the Apostle was gathering sticks to keep the fire burning, reveals to us that no matter how venomous a beast may be a burning fire will incapacitate it. A venomous viper hanged on the hand of Paul, but they were amazed to see that no harm befell him. *This shows that fire is the antidote to a viper.* *Fire will reveal its activities, neutralise it's Poison and burn it.* *As long as your fire is burning, you can't be a Victim i...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *THE WORD PRACTITIONER* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  25 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a Prophet of the LORD, that we may enquire of the LORD by him? And one of the king of Israel's servants answered and said, Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, which Poured water on the hands of Elijah - *2 Kings 3:11* The kings of Israel, Judah and Edom came together to battle the king of Moab for his rebellion against the king of Israel. As the three kings put their host and cattle together for the battle, they faced a crisis of water scarcity for themselves, their armies and the cattles. Then Jehoshaphat the king of Judah asked according to our Text above, 'Is there no Prophet here that we may enquire from the Lord by him?' Jehoshaphat wanted to know what the Lord was saying ev...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *KEEP THE FIRE BURNING* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  24 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: And the Fire upon the Altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the Priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall burn thereon the fat of the Peace Offerings - *Leviticus 6:12* *When the Lord kindles His Fire in your Life, it is your responsibility to keep it burning.* When the fire was kindled at the Island of Melita, Apostle Paul gathered sticks and laid them in the fire to keep it burning - *Acts 28:1-3* The Bible says, the fire on the Altar shall be burning, it shall not go out and the Priest shall burn wood on it every morning. *The fire is kept burning only when wood is burnt on it daily and not weekly.* *The wood mentioned here Stand...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                        *FRESH FIRE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  23 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: And when they were escaped, then they knew that the Island was called Melita. And the barbarous People shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, because of the Present rain, and because of the cold - *Acts 28:1‭-‬2* *There are two words we need to explain to be on the same page: Fire and Fresh.* Fire is the Symbol of God's Presence or Activity - *Deuteronomy 9:3, Hebrews 12:29* Moses encountered God through Fire - *Exodus 3:2* The People fell on their faces when the Lord answered by Fire and said the Lord is God - *1 kings 18:38-39* *Fresh means recently made or obtained. It is something New that has not lost the Qualities of Newness. It is ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                       *ABRAHAM'S LIFESTYLE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  22 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: And he removed from thence unto a Mountain on the East of Beth-el, and Pitched his tent, having Beth-el on the West, and Hai on the East: and there he builded an Altar unto the LORD, and called upon the Name of the LORD - *Genesis 12:8* Abraham was a Great Man blessed with flocks, Herds, Silver, Gold, Menservants,  Maidservants, Camels and Asses - *Genesis 24:35* *Notwithstanding, there was a Lifestyle Peculiar to Abraham, which he Passed on to Isaac his son; the Lifestyle of dwelling in Tents and building an Altar.* Abraham dwelt in Tents and built Altars.  *Tents speak of Temporal Structures, while buildings are Permanent.* *An Altar is the Meeting Point between God and Man.*  *Altars connote a Relationship wit...


  *THEY ARE LEARNING TOOLS*                                             According to Rick Warren, we are all products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.   Our current existence is the culmination of our past. Mistakes are inherent in life, but how we deal with them is critical. They are learning tools that can serve as stepping stones if we take the time to reflect on what went wrong, where we went wrong, and what we missed.   However, if we continue to chastise our children and continuously remind them of their mistakes, we have successfully made them prisoners of their mistakes.                                        The difficulty with those who do not rise from their fall is frequently their inability to forgive themselves. This is a le...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *DISENABLE YOUR ADVERSARY* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  21 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and Ministered unto him - *Matthew 4:11* When your adversary the devil reminds you of your sinful and horrible past  agree with him. The bible says agree with your adversary quickly. *Matthew 5:25* But also remind him that Christ was wounded for your Transgressions and bruised for your iniquities - *Isaiah 53:5* Let him also know that now there is therefore no condemnation for them which are in Christ Jesus - *Romans 8:1* But if your adversary decides to show you a bleak Picture of your future, disenable him by disagreeing with him. Never agrees with your adversary concerning your Present and your Future. In the temptation of our Lord Jesus Christ, He ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  20 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will Strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my Righteousness - *Isaiah 41:10* *As a Believer, you are not helpless in the battles of Life.* Our Heavenly Father is a Very Present Help in trouble. He is always available to Help - *Psalms 46:1* He has Promised to Help and Faithful is He who has Promised - *Hebrews 10:38* In His Faithfulness, He sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, to conquer on our behalf.  Jesus Christ stepped down from Eternity to time. He went down to the deepest Part of the Earth to wrestle with Principalities and Powers, and having spoiled them, He declared, 'it is Finished...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                       *WHEN GOD IS WITH YOU* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  19 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost - *Matthew 28:19* Following the discussion yesterday on the Covenant of His Presence, we need to discuss the blessings of His Presence and our Responsibilities. *It is essential for us to stress that God's Presence is the Best, and the Greatest asset of a Believer.* *Let us examine the Blessings of His Presence:* *(1)* When the Lord is with you, the Heaven over you is opened. When the Lord introduced Himself to Jacob and said to him, 'I am with you,' the Heaven over him was opened with the Angels descending and ascending. Jacob had a direct Connection with Heaven - *Genesis 28:17* *(2)* When God is with you, ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                         *COVENANT OF HIS PRESENCE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  18 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen - *Matthew 28:20* After the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, His Last Command was, 'Go ye into all the world and Preach the Gospel,' with the assurance of His Presence. He said, I am with you always. *What does it mean?* *(1)* It means when you look round and can't see anyone, He is saying I am with you - *John 5:7, Hebrews 13:5* Men whom you have helped may have deserted you, He is saying I am with you - *Colossians 4:14, 2 Timothy 4:10* *(2)* When your friends suddenly become your enemies, He is saying I am with you to turn their Counsel into foolishness - *2 Samuel 15:31* *...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *FOCUS ON YOURSELF NOT ON OTHERS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  17 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Look not upon me, because I am black, Because the Sun hath looked upon me: My mother's children were angry with me; They made me the Keeper of the Vineyards; But mine own Vineyard have I not kept - *Songs of Solomon 1:6* *One of the Greatest errors a man can make is to focus on others and not himself.* During the Earthly Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, He never hid His disdain for the Pharisees because they focused on others while ignoring themselves. When a woman was caught in Adultery and was brought to Jesus, her accusers told Him Moses commanded us to stone to death anyone caught in Adultery. Jesus replied saying, anyone without a sin should cast the first stone. All her accusers left without casting ...


  *PLEASE BE SENSITIVE*                                         A young man described how he was ignorantly recruited into cultism in school. When he realized what had happened, he dashed home to seek assistance from his parents. He simply ran away from school because he didn't know how to help himself. He wanted assistance and believed his parents were the ideal people to assist him. When he arrived home, his father was on his way out for a meeting. Looking at him, he observed some changes in him, but he concluded that he must have been involved in a fight at school. But he told him that's why he came; we need to discuss; it's vital I share with you. His dad advised him to be brief in his remarks because he was on his way to a meeting. I'd prefer to talk when you get back, sir. He tried talking to his mother, who likewise didn't give him any attention since she felt he was back ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *HE WILL EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS (Part 2)* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  16 November 2023* Now unto Him that is able to do Exceeding Abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us - *Ephesians 3:20* Our God has the Ability to exceed our Expectations, as discussed yesterday.  *It is therefore important for us to discuss what we can do to Provoke Him to exceed our Expectations.* Our Text above says that God is able to exceed our Expectations according to the Power that works in us. We received power through the Baptism of the Holy Ghost - *Acts 1:8* *This Power at work in us will Provoke God to exceed our Expectations.* *How then do we put the Power to work?* *(1)* Righteous Living activates the Power in us. Daniel Purposed in his heart not to defile himself...


  *DO NOT TURN THEM OFF.*                                           Many parents assume their children are not making sense, which leads to their failure to listen to them. When they raise a problem, they either ignore them or completely silence them. They sometimes feel they are childish.   When those kids get into mischief, the same parents will begin to wonder why they were not informed or were not made aware of events in their children's lives.                                            When she discovered she was pregnant, a young girl fled her home. She couldn't inform her parents, so she had an abortion, and she ended up with a complication. She told the doctor she was an orphan until someone who knew her put a call through to her parents.   Acco...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                          *HE WILL EXCEED YOUR EXPECTATIONS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  15 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Now unto Him that is able to do Exceeding Abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the Power that worketh in us - *Ephesians 3:20* God said ask and it shall be given unto you - *Matthew 7:7* *When God  answers He exceeds Expectations.* Hannah was barren and was being Provoked by the Second wife of her husband, but she cried to God in bitterness of Soul for a man child - *1 Samuel 1:11* The Bible says, the Lord visited Hannah and she conceived and bare three sons and two daughters - *1 Samuel 2:21* God exceeded Hannah's Expectations. *What happens when God exceeds our Expectations?* *(1)* He answers beyond our Requests. Solomon asked for Wisdom and God granted Him Wisdom and added Riches ...


  *IGNORANCE IS DEADLY.*                                       By knowledge, shall the righteous be rescued. (Pro 11:9)   I've been taking an online parenting course for the past several days, and I must say that it's been really enlightening, emphasizing and reinforcing some key concepts for me over and over.   As if that wasn't enough, another pastor who had been a cultist and a criminal really described how he had ignorantly gotten into a cult while at university. He was lured or baited into joining the cult, and he unwittingly walked right into the enemy's trap.   He kept stating that I didn't understand it was a trap. His roommate entangled him using drugs as bait. He followed his roommate. In order to get more of what he was given the previous day, unknown to him, he was going for his initiation rite as a cultist. He tried to reach out to his parents, but th...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                        *SEEK FOR ANOTHER REPORT* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  14 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Turn again, and tell Hezekiah the captain of my People, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy Prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee: on the third day thou shalt go up unto the house of the LORD. And I will add unto thy days fifteen years; and I will deliver thee and this City out of the hand of the king of Assyria; and I will defend this City for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake - *2 Kings 20:5‭-‬6* Hezekiah the King was sick unto death. The Report came that he should set his house in order for he would die. He then turned to the wall and sought for another Report - *2 Kings 20:1-2* *There are usually two Reports; one for the sinner while the other one is for the...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                  *KEEP GROWING* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  13 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: The Righteous shall flourish like the Palm tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon - *Psalms 92:12* *Growth is one of the Characteristics of any Living Organism. Any Organism that is not growing is dead.* The above text says the Righteous shall flourish like a Palm tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  *Every Believer is expected to grow.* Every Character who made  Positive Impact in Bible days grew. Jesus our Perfect example during His Earthly Ministry grew - *Luke 1:80, Luke 2:40* Samuel the Greatest Prophet  that ever lived in Israel grew - *1 Samuel 2:21, 1 Samuel 2:26, 1 Samuel 3:19* David the Giant Killer and a man after God's heart  achieved Great feat through ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                               *CEASE FROM ANGER* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  12 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Cease from Anger, and forsake wrath: Fret not thyself in any wise to do evil - *Psalm 37:8* This Psalm was by David, a man after God's heart, who fulfilled all His Will - *Acts 13:22* He was highlighting the Secrets of his Relationship with God. He is admonishing us to trust and delight ourselves in God.  He then advised us to cease from anger. His admonition is based on the fact that Anger is just a Letter short of danger. With Anger we are faced with the danger of not entering our Promised Land as it was in the case of Moses - *Number 20:10-12* Elisha had the Double Portion of the Spirit upon Elijah and he lost it through Anger. It took the Ministration of the Minstrel for the Spirit to return - ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *TURNING UNTO THE LORD* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  11 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Then turned his face to the wall, and Prayed unto the LORD, saying - *2 Kings 20:2* *One of the Major turns a man can make in Life is to the Lord.* *Hezekiah the king turned to the Lord.* *What does it mean to turn unto the Lord?* *(1)* Turning away from our Wicked ways - *2 Chronicles 7:14, Isaiah 55:7* *(2)* Turning away from men. Isaiah the Prophet said in the year that King Uzziah died, I saw also the Lord sitting upon a Throne, high and lifted up - *Isaiah 6:1* *(3)* Turning away from Possessions unto Promises. *Promises are Eternal while Possessions are Temporal.* God spoke to Abram when Lot was separated from him, lift up your eyes from whence thou art - *Genesis 13:14* *(4)* Turning away from the Storms ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                         *STRENGTHENING YOUR ANGELS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  10 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the Prince of the Kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the Chief Princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the Kings of Persia - *Daniel 10:12‭-‬13* *The Ministry of Angels is very vital to the well being of every Believer.* The Bible says God will give His Angels Charge over thee to keep you in all thy Ways - *Psalms 91:11* *Our Ways are well kept with the Ministry of the Angels.* When Abraham sent his Servant to seek for a wife for Isaac, he said to him, the Angel...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                              *FRUITFUL AT OLD AGE* *By Pastor E O Gabrie l 08 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: They shall still bring forth fruit in Old Age; They shall be fat and flourishing - *Psalms 92:14* *A Study of the Patriarch of Old teaches us that our Old Age is meant to be of blessing to all, Particularly our children.* When Isaac was Old, he called his son Esau and said to him I don't know the day of my death, 'take your weapons and go to the field and take some venison. And make a Meal such as I love that I may eat and my Soul will bless you' - *Genesis 27:1-4* At this Material time, Isaac was very great and had Possessions of flocks, Possessions of herbs and great Store of Servants - *Genesis 26:13-14* *Therefore, Isaac's request for a Meal from Esau his son was not out of lack, but for a release of f...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *WHY PERSECUTE THOU ME?* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  07 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: And he fell to the Earth, and heard a Voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why Persecutest thou me? - *Acts 9:4* Saul of Tarsus was on his way to Damascus, the Lord questioned him Saul, Saul why Persecute thou me? And he said who are thou, Lord?  God is Spirit - *John 4:23* *How Possible is it to Persecute the God who is Spirit and not seen?* *It is so easy to Persecute God Unknowingly.*  *The Lord is Persecuted in the following ways amongst others:* *(1)* By resisting the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - *Acts 4:17-18* *(2)* Spreading Doctrines contrary to the Word - *John 1:1* *(3)* Persecuting His Anointed. *(4)* Stretching one's hand against His Children - *Matthew 25:45, Acts 12:1-2* *(5)* Op...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                    *MAKING A TURN* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  06 November 2023* SCRIPTURE:Then he turned his face to the wall, and Prayed unto the LORD, saying - *2 Kings 20:2*  *We have Studied that a man can make three Major turns to God.* *First, a man can turn away from God.* The Bible says, at old age the wives of Solomon turned his heart away from God - *1 Kings 11:3-4* *Second, a man can turn against God.* The Lord said to Saul of Tarsus why Persecute thou me - *Acts 9:4* *The Lord was saying to him, why are you turning against me?* *Thirdly, a man can turn to God.* In our Anchor Text, Hezekiah the king turned to God. *What prompted him to turn to God?* *(1)* He was sick. He knew that men may care, only God heals - *Exodus 15:26* He knew He has Promised to heal - ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *WEAK THOUGH ANOINTED* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  04 November 2023* SCRIPTURE: And I am this day weak, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah be too hard for me: the LORD shall reward the doer of evil according to his wickedness - *2 Samuel 3:39* David had been anointed as King over the house of Judah. But, he declared that he was weak though anointed King - *2 Sam 2:4* The anointed of the Lord was weak; the Giant killer was weak, a National Deliverer was weak.  The Bible says, even the Youths shall faint and be weary, and the Young men shall utterly fall - *Isaiah 40:30* Even Elijah, the Apostle of Fire was frustrated by the threats from Jezebel. *Every great man has his low moments. God remembers us in our Low Estate* - *Psalms 136:23* He remembered Elijah in his Low...