SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL *MAKE HAY WHILE THE SUNSHINE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 28 February 2025:Share* SCRIPTURE: It is Good for a Man to bear the yoke in his Youth - *Lamentations 3:27* *An English Proverb says; Make hay while the sun shines - This means make use of an opportunity, in the Season of that opportunity.* The Bible says: To everything there is a Season and a time to every Purpose under the Heaven - *Ecclesiastes 3:1* God led the children of Israel out of Egypt unto the Promised Land, He parted the Red Sea, led them through and God drowned Pharaoh and his hosts in the sea. The Israelites journeyed through wilderness and the Lord did many Mighty Miracles for them in the wilderness. When they were to cross over to the Promised Land, Moses sent Spies into the land. Majority of the Spies cam...