
Showing posts from March, 2025


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *GO AFTER THE  LION AND THE BEAR* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  09 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: I went out after it and struck it, and delivered the  lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it - *I Samuel 17:35* David was keeping his father's sheep, when a Lion and a Bear attacked and took a lamb, from the sheepfold. David went after the Lion and the Bear and delivered the Lamb. *It is interesting to know that both the Lion and Bear were after the lamb because of what it stands for.* *A Lamb is a sheep less than 12 months old - That Lamb  was symbolic of the reward, result or Testimony of  David's Good and Diligent work as a Shepherd.* *A Shepherd working for Months or Years without a Lamb has nothing to show for h...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                            *SELF DENIAL: THE PRICE OF FOLLOWING CHRIST* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 08 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: Then Jesus said to His Disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me -*Matthew 24:16* *Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to the Disciples that Self Denial is the Price to Pay to follow after Him.* *Self Denial involves giving up our desires and conveniences; getting off the driver's seat of our life and living for Him.* *There are several reasons self denial is important in our walk with Christ.* 1. First, two (2) Masters cannot be in the same boat.  We cannot be in the same boat with Christ and be issuing orders to Him, therefore we must let Him lead, while we follow.  Paul, the Apostle said: Be ye followers of me even as I am ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                               *BEYOND YOUR HANDS* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 07 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: And my God shall supply all your Needs according to His Riches in Glory by Christ Jesus - *Philippians 4:19* The Philipian Church was a great blessing to Apostle Paul - He therefore turned to the Church and Prayed that the Lord will supply all their Needs. *This makes it apparent that God can meet our Needs beyond what our hands can Provide - Beyond our salaries, income from financial exploits and multiple business sources - God can supply to us* - *Ephesians 3:20* *Beyond our hands, God can meet our Needs through the hands of others.*  *In 1 Kings 17,* God told Elijah when the brook Cherith dried up, that He had commanded a widow to sustain him throughout the Period of famine.  In this case, G...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *YOUR DIRECTION IS YOUR CHOICE* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 06 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: This day I call the Heavens and the Earth as Witnesses against you that I have Set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live - *Deuteronomy 30:19*   Yesterday, we established that: *Your direction is more important than your location; while your location may not define you, your direction does.* The Prodigal son chose to head in his father's direction, to end his stay in a location of no bread. His direction brought about supply to his Needs and Restoration. David was in the wilderness of Judah, a lonely and dry location but, his soul turned in the direction of the One who could bring an end to his wilderness experience. Thereafter, he was...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *YOUR DIRECTION IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR LOCATION* *By Pastor E O Gabriel 05 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! - *Luke 15:17* *One of the lessons we learn from the story of the Prodigal son recorded in Luke 15:11-32, is that a man's direction in life  is more important than his location.* *And what a man is going through, is not as important as where he is heading to in life.* The Prodigal son had wasted his Inheritance on riotous living, he had nothing again to eat, he was eating food meant for swine - this was his challenge and location. When he came to himself, he said, he will arise and go to his father - this talks of his direction. *The location of...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                           *SPEEDING IN A WRONG DIRECTION* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  04 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, Will suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy - *Proverbs 29:1* From the day King Saul disobeyed God in sparing Agag the king of the Amalek and took of the spoil, his life began to slide down a wrong path.  Thereafter, he laid hold upon the skirt of Samuel and it tore. The Spirit of God departed from Saul and an evil spirit began troubling him. He also started seeking to end David's life. Speeding down a wrong Path caused Saul to disguise himself, to seek help from a woman at Endor who had a familiar spirit - *1 Samuel 28:7*   *All of which resulted in his tragic death.* Saul's destruction was avoidable but for his stubbornness. Samuel Preac...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                                       *JUST ONE MAN* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  03 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you - *Joshua 1:5* God made some specific Promises to Joshua, after he succeeded Moses, in leading the children of Israel to the Promised Land.  One of such Promises was that no man will stand against him - This meant that he would not be defeated. But, he was not to turn to the right or the left, from God's covenant, as He commanded Moses - *Joshua 1:7* This Promise was made manifest, several times; Nations and Kings were subdued by Joshua because of God's Promise to him. But the unexpected happened when Israel faced a small Na...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                               *ARE YOU AVAILABLE?* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  02 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me" - *Isaiah 6:8* *In Luke 19:28-40,* the Glorious entry of our Lord Jesus Christ was an outstandingly beautiful and Ceremonious Part of His Earthly Ministry.  He rode upon a colt and men spread their garments upon the colt for Him to sit. They cut branches on the ground for the colt to ride upon, which today is likened to a red carpet entrance, with the People singing Hosannah in the Highest! *One of the attractions of the Great Event was the treatment given to the colt.* *It was beautified with Human garments, it did not walk on bare ground and enjoyed the same honour given to ...


 SEED OF TRANSFORMATION DAILY DEVOTIONAL                                            *BEWARE OF EVIL COUNSEL* *By Pastor E O Gabriel  01 March 2025: Share* SCRIPTURE: Thus says the Lord: “Stand in the ways and see, And ask for the Old Paths, where the good way is, And walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in  it.’ -*Jeremiah 6:16* In our journey of Destiny, we need Counsel; most especially at the cross roads of our lives.  *YOU ARE WELCOME TO THE MONTH OF MARCH 2025  the thred month in the year 2025, In this thred month, you shall see unusual manifestation of the Recovery Power of God in your life in Jesus’ Name.*                                     *The Bible says in our text, that when we stand in the ways, we are...